Zimbabwe Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1897-1980 - Search
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National Free Library, 1965-1980
National Free Library of Rhodesia, Annual Reports for the years, 1965/66-1979/80.
Date:1965-1980Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Rhodes National Gallery, 1953-1980
Reports of the Trustees of the Rhodes Centenary Gallery, for the years 1953-1979/80.
Date:1953-1980Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

National Archives, 1935-1980
Central African Archives in Retrospect and Prospect, A Report by the Chief Archivist for the twelve years ending 31 August 1947; also, Central African Archives, Reports by the Chief Archivist...
Date:1935-1980Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Historical Monuments Commission, 1936-1971
Reports of the Commission for the Preservation of Natural and Historical Monuments and Relics, for the years 1936-1971.
Date:1936-1971Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

National Museums & Monuments, 1972-1980
Reports of the Trustees and Director of the National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, for the period 1972-1979/80.
Date:1972-1980Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

National Museums, 1941-1971
Reports of the Trustees and Director of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia, for the years 1941-1971.
Date:1941-1971Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

National Museum, 1902-1940
Reports of the Trustees and Director of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, Bulawayo, for the years 1902-1940.
Date:1902-1940Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Central Statistical Office, 1955-1973
Reports on the work of the Central Statistical Office for the years, 1955/56-1961/62 and 1964-1972/73.
Date:1955-1973Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office