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Social Services, 1897-1980

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Social Services, 1897-1980

Collection: Zimbabwe Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1897-1980    Volumes    Social Services, 1897-1980

This volume includes a range of government reports related to social services in Southern Rhodesia dated between 1897 to 1980. The education reports are symptomatic of the segregation of Southern Rhodesia in that they are only with regard to the education of (predominantly white) non-Africans. The earliest mentions of African education are to be found in the reports of the Chief Native Commissioner (within Group A, Administration). From 1928 until 1934 African education was addressed within the reports of the Director of Native Development, then economic conditions in the 1930's caused a fear of competition leading to the diminution of African education which was subsumed into the remit of the Chief Native Commissioner until 1955. Native education would return to the fore in 1956, from whence separate reports would be produced until 1977. Other areas covered by these reports include Public Health (1897-1980), Labour and Social Welfare (1957-1973), and Local Government (1957-1972). Housing was reported within three different report categories between 1954 and 1961. From 1954-1956 it was included with the Reports of the Secretary for Justice, Internal Affairs and Housing (see 'Law and Justice, 1946-1972', within 'Judicial and Police, 1897-1979'). From 1957-1961 it was included in the Reports of the Secretary for Labour, Social Welfare, and Housing; then from 1962-1972, it would form a part of the Reports of the Secretary for Local Government and Housing. Town planning reports from 1965-1972 were included in the Local Government and housing reports, but have been reproduced separately here. In 1976 town planning became known as physical [planning.

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Physical Planning, 1976-1979

Annual Reports, 1976-1979, Government Department of Physical Planning.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Town Planning, 1934-1975

Annual Reports of the Chief Town Planning Officer, for the years, 1934-1939, 1942, 1946-1947 and 1958-1975.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Local Government and Housing, 1957-1972

Reports of the Secretary for Local Government, for the years, 1957-1961; with Reports of the Secretary for Local Government and Housing, for the years, 1962-1972.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Labour, Social Welfare and Housing, 1957-1973

Reports of the Secretary for Labour, Social Welfare, and Housing, 1957-1961; with Reports of the Secretary for Labour and Social Welfare, 1962-1973.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Workmen's Compensation Commissioner, 1942-1947

Reports of the Commissioner, Workmen's Compensation, 1942-1947.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Public Health, 1964-1980

Reports on Public Health for the years, 1964-1980.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Public Health, 1945-1963

Reports on Public Health for the years, 1945-1963.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Public Health, 1925-1944

Reports on Public Health for the years, 1925-1944.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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