Administration, 1897-1977
Administration, 1897-1977
Collection: Zimbabwe Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1897-1980 Volumes Administration, 1897-1977
This volume includes a range of government reports related to administration in Southern Rhodesia dated between 1897 to 1977. Three different colonial offices held responsibility for the administration of Southern Rhodesia between 1897 and 1980. Between 1890 and 1913 responsibility for Native Affairs was divided between Mashonaland to the northeast and Matabeleland to the west and southwest. From 1913 until 1962 the responsibility for administration lay with the Chief Native Commissioner. From 1962 onwards, Native Affairs became a part of the jurisdiction of the Department for Internal Affairs.
Filter Documents

Establishment, 1968-1976
Detailed Establishment Statements, 1968/69-1975/76.
Date:1968-1976Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Public Services Board, 1928-1977
Annual Reports of the Public Services Board for the period, 1928-1930, 1932-1977.
Date:1928-1977Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

External Affairs, 1953-1964
Reports of the Secretary for External Affairs for the years, 1953/55-1957, 1964.
Date:1953-1964Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

High Commissioner for S. Rhodesia in London, 1928-1953
Reports of the Secretary, Office of the High Commissioner, London, 1928-1929, 1935, 1937, 1947-1953.
Date:1928-1953Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Internal Affairs, 1947-1973
Reports of the Secretary for Internal Affairs for the years, 1947-1973.
Date:1947-1973Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Native Affairs S. Rhodesia, 1957-1962
Reports of the Chief Native Commissioner for the years, 1957-1962.
Date:1957-1962Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Native Affairs S. Rhodesia, 1951-1956
Reports of the Chief Native Commissioner for the years, 1951-1956.
Date:1951-1956Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Native Affairs S. Rhodesia, 1939-1950
Reports of the Chief Native Commissioner for the years, 1939-1950.
Date:1939-1950Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office