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Social Services, 1895-1961

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Social Services, 1895-1961

Collection: Sierra Leone Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1893-1961    Volumes    Social Services, 1895-1961
'Social Services' includes a variety of areas from schools and teacher training to medicine, public relations and labour. The Education Department was founded in 1909 and subsequently legalized by the Education Ordinance of 1911. Before 1909 an Annual Report on Elementary Schools in Sierra Leone was submitted by the Inspector of Schools. The 1944-45 Report on Social Welfare was issued by the 'Welfare Department'. However, until 1951 the Welfare Department was a sub-department of the Education Department. H.A. Nisbet, who was seconded from the Labour Section of the Kenya Native Affairs Department, assumed duties as Labour Secretary, Sierra Leone, on 22 July 1939. His duties were to oversee the mobilization and utilization of native labour within Sierra Leone as part of the British war effort. In July 1940 the Secretary of State for the Colonies approved the proposal by His Excellency, the Governor, for the formation of a Labour Department and provision was made in the 1941 Establishment.
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Development Estimates and Progress Reports 1960-1961

Development Estimates 1960-61; and Progress Reports on the Development programme, 1946-51.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Dept of Information 1958-1960

Reports of the Department of Information 1958-60.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Public Relations 1947-1957

Reports of the Public Relations Department for the Years 1947-53 and 1955-57.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

The Public Service Commission 1954-1961

Reports on the work of the Public Service Commission, 1954-55 and 1961.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Social Welfare 1944-1954

Reports on the Welfare Department for the period 1944-54.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

The Registrar General 1914-1961

Reports of The Registrar General for the years 1914, 1922-24, 1926, 1928-39, and 1950-61.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Labour 1939-1961

Sierra Leone Labour Reports 1939-61.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Medical and Related Reports 1935-1959

Annual Reports of the Medical and Sanitary Department for the Years 1935-59.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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