Sierra Leone Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1893-1961 - Search
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Monuments and Relics 1947-1961
Annual Reports of the Monuments and Relics Commission for the years 1947 -61.
Date:1947-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Meteorological observations 1924 -1960
Meteorological Observations 1924, 1947-49; and Meteorological British West African Meteorological Services 1950-60.
Date:1924-1924Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Staff Lists 1950-1960
Staff Lists Senior Service 1950-60.
Date:1950-1960Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Staff Lists 1940-1949
Colony of Sierra Leone, Staff Lists 1940-49.
Date:1940-1949Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Staff Lists 1927-1939
Staff Lists, Colony of Sierra Leone 1927-31 and 1936-39.
Date:1927-1939Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Co-op Dept, Report, Registrar 1948-1957
Reports on Co-operation 1949; Annual Reports of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies for the years 1948-52; and Reports of the Department of Co-operation 1952-57.
Date:1948-1957Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Produce Marketing Board 1949-1961
Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Board Annual Reports 1949-61.
Date:1949-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Mines Dept Mines Dept 1939-1961
Consolidated Reports of the Mines Department 1939-61.
Date:1939-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office