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Judicial and Police, 1914-1961

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Judicial and Police, 1914-1961

Collection: Sierra Leone Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1893-1961    Volumes    Judicial and Police, 1914-1961
The maintenance of 'law and order' was regarded as a principal function of the British colonial government. The reports within this category include those for the police, the Supreme Court, the circuit courts and the prisons from the 1920's until the the 1960's.
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Supreme Court and Circuit Court, 1923-1930

Annual Reports of The Supreme Court and of The Circuit Court for the years 1923, 1925-30.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Prisons 1914-1961

Annual Reports of the Prisons Department for the years 1914, 1919-26, 1928-42, and 1944-61.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Police 1922-1959

Sierra Leone Annual Reports on the Police Force for the years 1922-26, 1928-30, 1932-39, and 1947-59.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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