Administrative Reports 1914-1961
Administrative Reports 1914-1961
Collection: Sierra Leone Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1893-1961 Volumes Administrative Reports 1914-1961Filter Documents
Protectorate Handbook 1949-1961
Sierra Leone Protectorate Handbooks 1949, 1951-52, 1954-55, and 1957-61.
Date:1949-1961Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Protectorate Assembly 1947-1955
Sierra Leone Protectorate Assembly Proceedings from the Second to the twelfth Meeting, 1947-1955.
Date:1947-1955Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Provincial Administration 1925-1956
Sierra Leone, Annual Reports of the Provincial Administration for the years 1925-29, 1936-38 and 1947-56.
Date:1925-1956Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Northern Province 1920-1935
Colony of Sierra Leone, Northern Province Annual Reports for 1920-24 and 1932-1935.
Date:1920-1935Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Rural Areas Administration 1938-1946
Sierra Leone, Annual Reports of the Rural Areas Administration for the years 1938, 1939, and 1946.
Date:1938-1946Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Central Province 1921-1924
Sierra Leone, Annual Reports of the Central Province for the years 1921-24.
Date:1921-1924Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Southern Province 1921-1935
Sierra Leone, Annual Reports of the Southern Province for the years 1921-24 and 1931-35.
Date:1921-1935Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Headquarters District 1922-1951
Sierra Leone, Annual Reports of the Headquarters District for the years 1922-24; Report of the Freetown Temporary Municipal Board for the period December 28 1926, to June 30 1927; The...
Date:1922-1951Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office