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Early years

Collection: British Women Trade Unionists on Strike at Bryant & May, 1888    Volumes    Early years
Bryant & May grew from modest roots. The founders, William Bryant and Francis May, worked variously as soap and tea manufacturers and grocers to eventually become the largest British match manufacturers and an important player in both home and export markets, trading in many countries. The documents in this section reflect the progress of their early years, from lone operators to partners in an increasingly important and profitable business.The existence of Charles Dickens' article in the journal Household Words (1852) among these papers proves the firm had an awareness of phosphorous necrosis, the grisly industrial disease linked to matches and white phosphorous. This would come back to haunt the firm in later years. There are very early match receipts which specifically propose using alternatives to white phosphorous. Dangers of death by fire are also referenced in the advertising material as white phosphorous was known to spontaneously burst into flames. Bryant & May used this as a selling point for their non-white phosphorous matches, whilst at the same time selling the white phosphorous 'Lucifer' matches alongside their 'safety' versions.
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Title to premises

D/B/BRY/1/1/49. Title to premises 'on the East side of Fairfield Rd, used as a school, belonging to the late Prisca Coburn' (a local philanthropist), 1877.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/49

Early photographs

D/B/BRY/1/1/52. Photographs of laying of foundation stone at Fairfield Works (persons present named), 1874.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/52

Match advertisements

D/B/BRY/1/1/19. Printed handbills carrying match advertisements, some of which highlighting the dangers of Lucifer (made with white phospherous) matches.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/19

Patents, etc.

D/B/BRY/1/1/34. Agreements, licences and specifications for patents, including Francis May's specification of Lundstrom's patent, 1855-1887.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/34

Fairfield Works, c1861

D/B/BRY/1/1/51. Specification for factory and offices at Fairfield, Bow, and plan of British Sperm Candle Company's Works to be let.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/51

Bryant's Soap Analysis Book, 1856-1870

D/B/BRY/1/1/44. Soap analysis book of Wilberforce Bryant, including printed sales leaflets, recipe for match composition, petition from box makers for more money.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/44

Lundstrom correspondence, 1852-1859

D/B/BRY/1/1/6. Letters from Bryant and May to C. J. Lundstrom concerning imports of matches, patent business.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/6

Correspondence, 1850-1855

D/B/BRY/1/1/5. Letters from William Bryant to Francis May, with TS copies. Chronicle the development of business interests from soap to matches.

Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/5
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