Early years
Early years
Collection: British Women Trade Unionists on Strike at Bryant & May, 1888 Volumes Early yearsFilter Documents
Title to premises
D/B/BRY/1/1/49. Title to premises 'on the East side of Fairfield Rd, used as a school, belonging to the late Prisca Coburn' (a local philanthropist), 1877.
Date:1877-1877Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/49
Early photographs
D/B/BRY/1/1/52. Photographs of laying of foundation stone at Fairfield Works (persons present named), 1874.
Date:1874-1874Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/52
Match advertisements
D/B/BRY/1/1/19. Printed handbills carrying match advertisements, some of which highlighting the dangers of Lucifer (made with white phospherous) matches.
Date:1862-1870Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/19
Patents, etc.
D/B/BRY/1/1/34. Agreements, licences and specifications for patents, including Francis May's specification of Lundstrom's patent, 1855-1887.
Date:1855-1887Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/34
Fairfield Works, c1861
D/B/BRY/1/1/51. Specification for factory and offices at Fairfield, Bow, and plan of British Sperm Candle Company's Works to be let.
Date:1861-1861Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/51
Bryant's Soap Analysis Book, 1856-1870
D/B/BRY/1/1/44. Soap analysis book of Wilberforce Bryant, including printed sales leaflets, recipe for match composition, petition from box makers for more money.
Date:1856-1870Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/44
Lundstrom correspondence, 1852-1859
D/B/BRY/1/1/6. Letters from Bryant and May to C. J. Lundstrom concerning imports of matches, patent business.
Date:1852-1859Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/6
Correspondence, 1850-1855
D/B/BRY/1/1/5. Letters from William Bryant to Francis May, with TS copies. Chronicle the development of business interests from soap to matches.
Date:1850-1855Contributor:C L R James Library, Hackney
Archive Reference(s):D/B/BRY/1/1/5