South Africa in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1819-1900 - Volumes
5 volumes in South Africa in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1819-1900

The documents in this volume are chiefly concerned with the movements of people and money. Correspondence discusses the comings, goings, and personalities of missionaries. Reports include records of where missionaries were based and how effectively the various missions were at attracting worshippers. Read more →

This volume contains narrative accounts written by missionaries in Grahamstown. The sources reveal how missionaries frequently struggled to obtain the funding that they needed to continue their work. Read more →

This volume includes narrative accounts, correspondence, and official paperwork from SPG missionaries in Natal. Requests for funds recur, as do statistical returns. The records in this volume also include commentary regarding the passing of the English Church Lands Bill in 1871. Read more →

St Johns – Kaffraria
These records cover the expansion of Anglican dioceses in the region and illuminate some of the implications of this process, such as boundary adjustment. This information is accompanied by requests for funds to build schools and churches. Read more →