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British Diplomacy with America and Ireland, an Ambassador's Letters, 1909-1962 - Search

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  • British Diplomacy with America and Ireland, an Ambassador's Letters, 1909-1962

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MS 8812

Includes correspondence with Field Marshal Earl Alexander of Tunis, Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Professor J.L. Brierly, Lady Mary Burghley, Frank G.G. Carr, John Charles Compton Cavendish (Baron Chesham), Angela...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8812;

MS 8811

Includes correspondence with Field Marshal Viscount Alenbrooke, Collin Brooks, Douglas Clifton Brown, Lady Mary Burghley, Lady Cynthia Colville, General Sir Richard O'Connor, Viscount Andrew Cunningham of Hyndhope, Clement Davies, James...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8811;

MS 8810

Includes correspondence with Professor W.G.S. Adams, Lord Burghley, Douglas Clifton Brown, Lord Covell, Cynthia Colville, John W. Davis, James Gerard, Major H.C. Haldane, Lord Hankey, Harry Hopkins, William Lyon Mackenzie...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8810;

MS 8809

Includes correspondence with Stanley Baldwin (Lord Baldwin), Anna Buchan, John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir), Neville Chamberlain, James W Gerard, Viscount Halifax, Sir Samuel Hoare, Joseph Kennedy, Sir Ronald Lindsay, Ramsay MacDonald,...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8809;

MS 8808

Includes correspondence with J.M. Barrie, Robert Bingham, Andrew Bonar Law, John W. Davis, Eric Drummond (Lord Perth), James Gerard, Herbert Gladstone, Horace Greenwood, Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Lord Haldane, Colonel...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8808;

MS 8807

Includes correspondence with Major Allen, Lord Beaverbrook, Sir Eric Drummond, Arthur Hugh Frazier, P. Fuller, Guy Gaunt, Samuel Gompers, Colonel Edward Mandell House, Major Charles Lyell, Major General James McLachlan,...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8807;

MS 8806

Includes correspondence with Lord Robert Cecil, Geoffrey Dawson, Sir Eric Drummond, Arthur Hugh Frazier, Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), Walter Lippman, Major Charles Lyell, E.T.Meredith, W. Miller, Lord Eustace Percy,...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8806;

MS 8805

Includes correspondence with Lord Beaverbrook, John Buchan (later Lord Tweedsmuir), Winston Churchill, Eric Drummond, Sir Edward Grey, Cecil Harmsworth, William Randolph Hearst, James Leigh-Wood, R. Marsh, Alex Murray (Lord Murray...

Contributor:National Library of Scotland
Archive Reference(s):MS 8805;
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