Correspondence on the establishment of schools in Canada
Correspondence on the establishment of schools in Canada
Collection: 'Bray Schools' in Canada, America and the Bahamas, 1645-1900 Volumes Correspondence on the establishment of schools in Canada
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Correspondence concerning the School at Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia. 1897-1906.
BRAY/CANADA/1/f 5. Correspondence concerning the School at Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, 1897-1906. Includes references to the schools' focus on teaching children the catechism and guidance from the Society for the...
Date:1897-1906Contributor:Bodleian Library

Correspondence concerning the Charity School at Skelbourne, Nova Scotia. 1787-1832.
BRAY/CANADA/1/f 4. Correspondence concerning the Charity School at Skelbourne (Birchtown), Nova Scotia, 1787-1832. This correspondence discusses the poverty of the black population, the death of a prospective teacher and the...
Date:1787-1832Contributor:Bodleian Library

Correspondence concerning the School at Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1784-1836.
BRAY/CANADA/1/f 3. This item discusses the formation of new schools in Nova Scotia; it also mentions an outbreak of measles in one of the schools [img 41].
Date:1784-1836Contributor:Bodleian Library

Rev. G. Pigeon, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 1800.
BRAY/CANADA/1/f 2. A letter lamenting the locals' lack of enthusiasm for the school and unwillingness to ensure their children attend it.
Date:1800-1800Contributor:Bodleian Library

Correspondence concerning the School at Digby, Nova Scotia. 1785-1833.
BRAY/CANADA/1/f 1. Correspondnce discussing lessons [img 128], attendance, staffing and resources for the Digby school.
Date:1785-1833Contributor:Bodleian Library