Copies of letters sent, 1842-1931
Copies of letters sent, 1842-1931
Collection: New Zealand & Polynesian Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1838-1958 Volumes Copies of letters sent, 1842-1931
CLS. Comprises four volumes of letters sent by the Society in London, again including general correspondence for New Zealand, Polynesia and Melanesia, with indices, subdivided over time by diocese within each province.
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West Indies and Australia, 1928-1931
CLS/138. The numeration completes the sequence for the West Indies volumes. Presumably for compactness and to save paper, the full volume also includes the final items in the CLS series...
Date:1928-1931Contributor:Bodleian Library

New Zealand and Polynesia, 1924-1928
CLS/150. October 1924-January 1928.
Date:1924-1928Contributor:Bodleian Library

New Zealand and Polynesia, 1912-1924
CLS/149. September 1912-August 1924.
Date:1912-1924Contributor:Bodleian Library

New Zealand and Polynesia, 1900-1912
CLS/148. May 1900-July 1912. The pagination is awry between p.80 and p.152, with seeming missing pages, none of which, however, is mentioned in the index. One may therefore assume that...
Date:1900-1912Contributor:Bodleian Library

New Zealand, 1842-1900
CLS/147. September 1842-April 1900.
Date:1842-1900Contributor:Bodleian Library