The Industrial Revolution: Technological Innovation in the Textile Industry, 1672-1929 - Volumes
2 volumes in The Industrial Revolution: Technological Innovation in the Textile Industry, 1672-1929

The Crompton papers, 1672-1929
The Crompton papers are arranged chronologically. About half the documents date from the lifetime of Samuel Crompton, though relatively few are from the pre-1790 period. The emphasis, therefore, is on the later part of Crompton's lifetime when the mule had become the dominant spinning machine and Crompton had been left a widower, with five sons and a daughter to bring up. Most of the remaining documents cover the years up... Read more →

The Heywood papers, 1799-1866
The Heywood papers are arranged thematically. Part 1 contains correspondence from 1808-1820, mostly business letters of John and Robert Heywood (of Heywood and Son quilting manufacturers), principally from their business contacts in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Gibraltar, and Jamaica (Montego Bay). Part 2 contains correspondence consisting chiefly of letters from political and other associates of Robert Heywood. Including several items regarding the Chartist movement and riot of 1838 and other contemporary... Read more →