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Colonial Missionaries' Papers from America and the West Indies, 1701-1870 - Key Data

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  • Colonial Missionaries' Papers from America and the West Indies, 1701-1870

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Title Colonial Missionaries' Papers from America and the West Indies, 1701-1870

The United Society Partners in Gospel (USPG) is a UK-based Anglican missionary organisation that operates around the world. During the 18th, 19th, and early-20th centuries, the USPG went by the name of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG). This collection covers the period 1701-1870 and contains the organisation’s founding documents, in-house journal, annual sermons, and reports. These documents provide a fascinating insight into the relationship between colonisers and the colonised.

ISBN 9781851171989
Contributor Bodleian Library
Type jpg
Format pdf
Rights Content © USPG; images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2009
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1701-1870
Volume Count 4
Document Count 195
Image Count 40,069
Born From Source
This resource digitised straight from the 'source' material i.e. directly from the original, physical archive.
Created On 4th August, 2009 - 3:19pm
Last Updated 28th August, 2024 - 1:46pm

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