Britain Under Threat: Civil Defence in the Era of Total War, 1914–1989 - Volumes
3 volumes in Britain Under Threat: Civil Defence in the Era of Total War, 1914–1989

First World War
Sourced from The National Archives (UK), this volume explores British civil defence during the First World War, the first major conflict to feature aerial warfare. German air raids led the government to develop protective measures, marking the origins of modern civil defence.Civil defence relied not only on the government, but also on civilians safeguarding their homes and communities. The documents in this volume highlight these collective efforts, showcasing a range... Read more →

Second World War
Sourced from The National Archives (UK), this volume contains documents on civil defence during the Second World War. Fearing that aerial bombing could force Britain’s surrender before a shot was fired, the government established the Air Raid Precautions (ARP) service to enforce blackouts, build shelters, and oversee fire-watching.This volume explores this extensive civil defence effort, which included shelter construction, recruitment of wardens and post-raid helpers, as well as major propaganda... Read more →

Cold War
Sourced from The National Archives (UK), this volume contains a range of documents related to civil defence during the Cold War. The advent of the atomic bomb brought a constant threat of nuclear attack, forcing the British government to develop protective measures, despite the immense destructive potential of such weapons. The emergence of the hydrogen bomb made it harder to predict anuclear attack or its impact on basic services.The documents... Read more →