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The British Road to Socialism, 1978

The British Road to Socialism, 1978

Collection: Political Programmes of British Communism, 1944-1990    Volumes    The British Road to Socialism, 1978

This volume contains material related to the 1968 version of “The British Road to Socialism.” The documents detail the entire process of the Commission, including the writing of draft sections, the submission of amendments by party organisations and party members, as well as the dissection of drafts by the Executive Committee. The 1978 version centered around the idea of building a broad democratic alliance in Britain, beyond the scope of just the CPGB.

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View document: Post-congress redrafts and edits, 1978.

Post-congress redrafts and edits, 1978

Contains the revised post-congress draft with agreed changes made, a detailed report on amendments to the “British Road” agreed by the 35th National Congress, handwritten notes on amendments for use...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Debate of the “British Road” at the 35th National Congress, 1977.

Debate of the “British Road” at the 35th National Congress, 1977

This document includes final reports of the “British Road” Committee, with handwritten amendments, minutes from meetings of the Committee, lists of decisions agreed upon by the Committee, transcripts of a...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Miscellaneous pre-congress redrafts and amendments, 1977.

Miscellaneous pre-congress redrafts and amendments, 1977

Contains handwritten notes and minutes from meetings of the Committee discussing the Executive Committee’s perspective on the redraft, amendment submissions by party branches and other internal party committees, and related...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: George Matthews notes regarding discussions with party organisations, 1977.

George Matthews notes regarding discussions with party organisations, 1977

This document contains minutes of meetings between George Matthews and representatives of party organisations regarding views on the newest draft of the “British Road”. Also contains a CPGB pamphlet titled...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Correspondence and contributions received by ‘Comment’ readers, 1977.

Correspondence and contributions received by ‘Comment’ readers, 1977

Contains submissions by readers of Comment on the newest draft of the "British Road." Comment was the CPGB’s official magazine. Correspondence outlines a technicolour of opinions, ranging from hardline Stalinists to...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Discussions on the Executive Committee draft of the “British Road”, 1976.

Discussions on the Executive Committee draft of the “British Road”, 1976

Contains discussions on the draft of the “British Road” held by the Executive Committee after submission by the Commission. Handwritten minutes from EC meetings offering individual perspectives on the text...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Further miscellaneous correspondence and edits, 1976.

Further miscellaneous correspondence and edits, 1976

This document includes handwritten notes from Marxism Today editor Martin Jacques on the draft version of the new “British Road”, and correspondence to George Matthews and other Commission members about...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
View document: Fourth draft with prospective edits by John Gollan (ii), 1976.

Fourth draft with prospective edits by John Gollan (ii), 1976

Contains the fourth draft version of the updated “British Road to Socialism”, with detailed handwritten edits by John Gollan.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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