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Political Programmes of British Communism, 1944-1990 - Key Data

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Title Political Programmes of British Communism, 1944-1990

The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) created several commissions that aimed to construct political programmes in response to social, political, and economic developments in Britain and the Soviet Union. This collection hosts the papers of several commissions that sought to redraft the Party’s flagship political manifesto: The British Road to Socialism. This was first published in 1951 with the personal approval of Joseph Stalin. It became a key battleground between various factions of the CPGB that sought to control the direction and agenda of the Party.

The collection also contains material from other Party commissions that wrestled with issues such as democracy in Britain, class unity, and the structure and organisation of the Party. This collection offers a look into how communist plans to reshape Britain evolved over time.

The collection also contains three contextual essays written by Professor Kevin Morgan.

ISBN 9781851171750
Contributor Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Type jpg
Format jpg
Source Microfilm
Creator Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB)
Rights Content © Archive Trust of the Communist Party; images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2021. All rights reserved.
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Coverage 1944-1990
Volume Count 14
Document Count 64
Image Count 10,869
Born From Microfilm
This resource is a 2nd generation version of the original material, which was first reproduced on Microfilm and then subsequently digitised. As a result of this, the quality of the final image may vary depending on the quality of the Microfilm the resource was digitised from.
Created On 25th January, 2023 - 12:26pm
Last Updated 11th September, 2024 - 8:50am

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