The British Union of Fascists: 1933-1953 - Volumes
6 volumes in The British Union of Fascists: 1933-1953

British Government papers on Sir Oswald Mosley's internment and release, 1939-1945
This volume contains Cabinet Office, Home Office, and Prime Minister's Office papers relating to Sir Oswald Mosley's internment and subsequent release. Records include the private papers of Sir Edward Bridges, minutes from the War Cabinet on Mosley's potential liberty, and Winston Churchill's opinion on the threat posed by domestic fascist movements. Series: CAB 127 (Cabinet Office: Private Collections of Ministers' and Officials' Papers); HO 262 (Ministry of Information: Home Intelligence Division Files); PREM 4 (Prime Minister's Office:... Read more →

Defence Regulation 18B detainee: Sir Oswald Mosley, 1943-1945
Defence Regulation 18B was a sub-section of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 passed by the Houses of Parliament prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. 18B allowed the government to intern individuals suspected of being Nazi sympathisers, suspending their right to habeas corpus. Sir Oswald Mosley and his wife Lady Diana Mosley, as well as a number of their acolytes, were interned in London and later on... Read more →

Defence Regulation 18B, Advisory Committee papers: Sir Oswald Mosley, 1940
Defence Regulation 18B was a sub-section of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 passed by the Houses of Parliament prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. 18B allowed the government to intern individuals suspected of being Nazi sympathisers, suspending their right to habeas corpus. Sir Oswald Mosley and his wife Lady Diana Mosley, as well as a number of their acolytes, were interned in London and later on... Read more →

MI5 records on Sir Oswald Mosley and Lady Mosley, 1933-1951
The Security Service, commonly known as MI5, kept files on Sir Oswald Mosley and his wife, Lady Diana Mosley, from 1933 onwards, shortly after the former founded the BUF. Given his high profile and continued involvement with far-right politics after the war, they maintained an interest in Sir Oswald until his death in 1980.Series; KV 2 (Security Service: personal files PF Series)References: KV 2/884-KV 2/897 relate to Sir Oswald Mosley's activities between... Read more →