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London Life, 1965-1966

Contextual Essays

Authored by British Online Archives
Published on 3rd January, 2024 30 min read

Guide to British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970

British Online Archives (BOA) is pleased to announce the completion of our extensive primary source collection: British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970. This brings together the back catalogues of nine “sister” titles belonging to the Illustrated London News (ILN): The Graphic (1869–1932); The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (1874–1970); The Sketch (1893–1959); The Sphere (1900–1964); The Tatler (1901–1965); The Bystander (1903–1940); The Illustrated War News (1914–1918, and 1939); Britannia and Eve (1929–1957); and London Life (1965–1966).  

Comprising over one million images, British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 offers valuable insights into the development of contemporary print culture throughout the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It covers a wide range of global developments over a hundred year period. This guide provides an overview of key themes within the various ILN publications. It includes references to specific editions of each publication so that users can easily follow up on articles that interest them.

Conflicts and Uprisings

 The Graphic, 16 November 1901 

Many of the publications in this collection maintained a global perspective, reporting on conflicts and uprisings around the world. For example, during its early years The Sphere, which began publication in January 1900, focused on the Second Boer War (1899–1902). It supplied updates on the conflict, illustrations of weapons being used, and photographs of fallen soldiers. This paper also provided weekly updates and articles on the role played by the colonies (see 29 June 1901; 1 December 1900). The Sphere and The Bystander provided extensive coverage of the Russian Revolution of 1905, reporting on events such as the “Bloody Sunday” massacre (The Sphere, 4 February 1905). The Sketch reported on conflicts such as the Crimean War (1853–1856). An article discussing the contributions of Dr. William Howard Russell, who is recognised as the pioneer of modern war correspondence, was published on 19 September 1894.

The Graphic likewise prioritised coverage of the Second Boer War. For instance, it printed illustrations that depicted the "Humours of War" (16 November 1901) and information about the treatment of prisoners by the Boers (30 November 1901). It also featured a "Chronicles of War" series. This covered conflicts such as the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), the Carlist Revolt in Spain (1872–1876), the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), and the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). The Graphic published detailed reports on these conflicts, often dispatching illustrators to the field.

First World War

The Sphere, 22 May 1915

During the First World War the publications in this collection underwent significant shifts in perspective, redirecting their focus away from routine content to the ongoing conflict. The Illustrated War News (IWN) played a crucial role in shedding light upon the British war effort and in documenting key engagements such as the Battle of Verdun (1916), the Somme Offensive (1916), and the Battle of Passchendaele (1917). The IWN also documented pivotal military campaigns in Africa and the Middle East, including the Mesopotamian campaign (1914–1918) and the Sinai and Palestine campaign (1915–1918). This periodical supplied readers with detailed reports on innovations in artillery, munitions, planes, ships, and tanks. For example, one can find discussions on hand grenades and tanks (19 May 1915; 13 March 1918). The paper also highlighted the often-overlooked contributions and experiences of animals. It featured articles on the use of dogs as messengers and on the companionship they provided (20 February 1918; 16 January 1918), as well as the utilisation of messenger pigeons (14 March 1917). 

British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 evidences the participation of people of colour in the British and Allied war effort. For example, the IWN covered the West Indies' response to the empire's call (26 January 1916). It also reported on France's African divisions (2 September 1914) and the British Indian Army (e.g. 16 September 1914; 21 October 1914). The Sphere reported on volunteer organisations in Madras (12 June 1915), wounded Indian soldiers in France (26 February 1916), and discussed “India’s Fighting Contribution” (18 January 1918). The Graphic celebrated colonial support for the British war effort, showcasing combatants from India, South Africa, and Canada (see, for example, "The Great Roll Call", 19 September 1914). It also specialised in supplying news from the frontline and in printing illustrations produced by commissioned artists and soldiers. Additionally, it highlighted the "art angle" of the war (30 September 1916) and the experiences of Prisoners of War (POWs) (30 January 1915; 5 December 1914). 

The Tatler adopted a rather distinctive approach by merging reports from the battlefield and domestic fronts whilst maintaining an informal, friendly tone. In August 1914 it renamed its usual "Weddings and Engagements" segment to "Cupid in War Time". It also printed several army unit photographs (7 July 1915) and a list of honours between 1914 and 1915. Furthermore, The Tatler included articles on Pierrot groups that provided entertainment on the front line (18 April 1917), as well as numerous supplements on war fashion. The Bystander adopted a similarly light-hearted tone, most notably through its printing of Bruce Bairnsfather’s popular “Old Bill'' cartoons. These illustrations sought to improve morale at home and at the front by satirising life in the trenches (see, for example, 12 January 1916). 

The Sphere reported upon rather unique topics, such as Germany's meat consumption (7 August 1915). Meanwhile, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News focussed on sporting celebrities, with supplements such as “The Sportsman’s Roll of Honour” (16 November 1918). This included reports on athletes who had been killed in the line of duty. 

Several publications commemorated the First World War through special features, with Britannia and Eve reflecting on the 10th anniversary of the armistice. Additionally, it featured articles highlighting Paul Nash’s acclaimed war artwork (9 November 1928). 

Second World War

    The Sketch, 20 September 1939 

During the Second World War (1939–1945) the various publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 offered distinct perspectives upon the conflict. Britannia and Eve focused on the home front, highlighting the impact of the conflict upon women and children. For instance, it printed a domestic diary of a London household (November 1939), an article on a teenager’s wartime experiences (December 1939), recipes for optimising rations (March 1941; November 1949), and guides on concocting make-up with rations (July 1941). The magazine also addressed the significant emotional toll that the conflict took on women's mental health (February 1943). It even provided weight loss tips for women anticipating their husbands' return (January 1945).

The Sphere documented the progressive roles undertaken by women during the conflict. Articles profiled "well-known women of London society at work" (23 September 1939) and explored issues faced by the Ministry of Labour in relation to female workers in munition factories (7 March 1942). It also addressed societal challenges, such as motorcar injuries during blackouts (4 November 1939) and the need for denazification in post-war Germany (19 January 1946). The Bystander likewise focused mostly upon the home front, dedicating a column, "Women in Uniform", to detailing the various official duties that women undertook, such as firefighting and secret intelligence work (20 September 1939). 

Just weeks after the outbreak of the war, The Sketch published a feature on civilians adopting protective clothing for blackouts, thus evidencing how people adapted fashion for safety purposes (20 September 1939). The Sketch also offered practical guides as to how to put on gas masks (16 April 1941) and how to conserve coal during shortages (7 October 1942). 

The Tatler included information on pastimes that were popular during the conflict. Articles highlighted debutante balls (18 February 1942) and war films such as Maurice Elvey’s “The Gentle Sex” (18 December 1939; 13 January 1943). This publication also featured articles about new exhibitions, such as one on children’s drawings that were inspired by their experiences of wartime Britain (20 January 1943).

The IWN, published briefly during November 1939, described the daily routines of POWs, highlighting their favourite activities, such as playing football (15 November 1939). It also reported on various civilian duties, such as ensuring that London’s street lights were dimmed during “the Blitz” (8 November 1939). Additionally, it delved into the BBC's role in monitoring foreign war-related broadcasts (15 November 1939).

The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News focused upon Britain’s agricultural efforts. Articles covered a wide range of topics, often honing in on the small-scale realities of civilian life, such as providing vegetable-based recipes during a time of growing meat shortages (19 March 1943). The periodical likewise reported on larger issues. For example, it described how the conflict was affecting the UK’s ability to successfully farm land (5 January 1945).

The British Empire

Britannia and Eve, 1 September 1945 

All of the publications in this collection supported Britain's imperial project. Indeed, ILN newspapers often reflected prevailing racist and xenophobic attitudes. For instance, The Sketch adopted a determinedly pro-establishment stance and casually discussed slavery in its imperial segment titled "On Which the Sun Never Sets". This segment supplied uncritical reports of the West African slave trade during the late nineteenth century. Other articles reported on the persistence of slave trading in the Lagos colony, now Nigeria, (7 March 1894) and on the “British Enterprise” of sugar production in the West Indies (31 May 1899). Britannia and Eve also touched upon slavery's legacy with articles like "Black Ivory" (August 1931). This delved into the narratives associated with slave ships.

To some extent, The Sphere acknowledged the exploitative nature of British colonialism by highlighting the insulated lives of the colonial elite in Kenya (5 May 1928). Yet this publication often endorsed white superiority, as exemplified by its coverage of British achievements such as agricultural advancements in Nigeria (20 July 1907). It also celebrated the improvements instigated by the British in India (2 December 1911), and the introduction of football in Uganda (17 February 1906). 

The Sphere reported frequently upon significant events throughout Britain’s colonies. It printed articles on earthquakes in India, floods in Calcutta, and the establishment of the first native parliament in India (April 1905; 3 November 1900; 24th February 1906). The Sketch reported on the Bombay Riots of 1893 (20 September 1893), while The Graphic covered the frequent famines in India, including the Bengal famine (see 18 April 1874; 27 March 1897; 6 June 1874).  

The publications in this collection also featured articles on influential British expeditions. For example, The Graphic reported on exploratory expeditions to Africa, such as Henry Morton Stanley's first trans-Africa expedition (13 November 1875). 

The Sphere contains much coverage relating to the partition of India in 1947 and its violent aftermath — see, for example, articles such as “The Sikh-Muslim Orgies of Violence in The Punjab” (2 September 1947) and “The Two Way Exodus in The Punjab” (13 September 1947). An article in Britannia and Eve, published 18 years before partition, projected that Indian independence “would plunge the country in a sea of blood” (5 April 1929). The Sphere introduced its "Voice of The Commonwealth" supplement in the 1960s. This reported on developments in New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, India, Malaya, Ghana, Ceylon, Canada, and Australia. 

Intriguinly, some of the publications in this collection featured articles on notable Indian women, such as Krupabai Satthianadhan, a pioneering Indian novelist (The Sketch, 17 April 1895). Other notable figures that were profiled in ILN publications include the lawyer, Cornelia Sorabji (The Sphere, 30 July 1904; 3 July 1909) and the suffragette, Sophia Duleep Singh (The Sphere, 10 July 1909). Britannia and Eve explored aspects of Indian society, including teen marriages and the caste system (8 February 1929). The Sphere even had a feature that discussed the centuries-old make-up regimes of Indian women (3 December 1938). 

Immigration and Racism

The Bystander, 4 January 1911

Some of the publications in this collection, notably The Bystander and The Sphere, adopted negative attitudes towards immigration. For example, The Bystander featured a series titled "Alien Types in London”. This contained denigrating illustrations of Russian, Italian, and American immigrants (see January 1911 issues). The Sphere likewise contained many disturbing and extremely racist articles on, for example, Chinese immigration into Britain (“How the Yellow People are Represented in London”, 4 August 1900); the “Colour Problem” in America (27 July 1907); and Jewish immigration (“Alien Immigrants: Are They Undesirable”, 6 December 1902). It also printed an article titled “Solving the Negro Problem” (9 May 1908). The Bystander also exhibited overt racism and antisemitism. For instance, it published an article titled "Jews and Judeophobes" (3 December 1913). This discussed the political situation in pre-war Germany and promoted antisemitic stereotypes. It should also be said that ILN publications typically employed derogatory terms when referring to Black people and slaves. Moreover, The Sketch and The Sphere contained articles on the use of blackface in theatre productions.

London Life proved rather more adept at depicting the multicultural nature of post-war British society. It acknowledged the emergence of TV and radio stations aimed at South Asian audiences and it flagged the growing cultural diversity in London's restaurant scene (it featured Indian, Chinese, and Greek cuisine restaurant guides). Similarly, The Bystander revealed the evolving diet of its readership and its “London Nights” column sheds light upon the development of the city’s restaurant culture during the 1930s.

WomenBritannia and Eve, 7 December 1928

The publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 offer insights into the evolution of women's roles and expectations. In The Tatler, for example, there was a strong emphasis on beauty, weight, and fashion. This publication often promoted the ideal of thinness as the pinnacle of attractiveness — see articles such as "Beauties of All Nations'' (9 March 1904); “What is the American Type of Beauty?” (25 November 1903); “The Curve of the Nose as a Test of Character” (24 February 1904); and “Who has the Smallest Waist” (17 February 1909). 

The Sketch delved into women's fashion and conservative values, offering insights into the shifting paradigm of Victorian womanhood. Its column titled "The Failures of Women in Art", published during 1898, highlighted perceived artistic deficiencies in women and scrutinised their accomplishments in literature, science, music, and medicine. In contrast, The Sphere took a more positive stance on women’s progress, featuring articles on their achievements in the fields of business, science, and politics (2 January 1926; 10 November 1911). This publication celebrated the advancement of women and featured supplements profiling the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement (3 November 1906). It also reported positively on women’s suffrage marches — see, for example, “The Attack on Man’s Supremacy” (10 February 1907).

Britannia and Eve explored the lives and expectations of women in interwar and postwar Britain. Unlike The Sphere, however, Britannia and Eve sometimes advanced somewhat critical perspectives. Opinion pieces, such as one by Miss Storm Jameson, explored the potential drawbacks of women's newfound freedom (8 February 1929). Other pieces reeked of patriarchy, such as one in which the author contended that “women are not as fully occupied as men” and thus struggled to integrate into the workplace (January 1931). Several articles in Britannia and Eve tackled the difficulties encountered by working women. These pieces often adopted a critical perspective in relation to working mothers and perceptions of them. This was evident in pieces such as “Home or Career?" (7 December 1928) and “Thus The Career Woman” (January 1953).

London Life provided a window into the lives of women in the 1960s. Interestingly, it printed articles and interviews that explored the experiences of working-class women. These covered topics such as work, mental health, teenage pregnancy, marriage, and even homosexuality (“Girl Like Lucy”, 8 January 1966). London Life also spotlighted fashion trends of the 1960s, surveying, for instance, the rise of the iconic miniskirt. It also discussed changing attitudes towards teen fashion (30 April 1966).


Britannia and Eve, September 1931 

The publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 provide valuable insights into changes in healthcare, responses to pandemics, and knowledge regarding sanitation. The "Your Health" supplement in Britannia and Eve covered topics such as the prevention of tuberculosis (16 November 1928), the detrimental side effects of smoking (7 December 1928), and the use and abuse of Aspirin (August 1929). There were also frequent articles explaining how women could keep fit. These included photographic depictions of exercises women could do to lose weight (May 1929; June 1929; November 1929). Surprisingly, the publication highlighted the importance of mental health. One article, titled “The Worker is Not a Machine”, emphasised the need for the mental well-being of workers (19 October 1928). In another article, titled “Don’t Get Depressed”, the effects of anxiety on men and their careers were discussed (June 1932). 

Naturally, the publications in this collection reported upon outbreaks of diseases such as plague, cholera, influenza, and smallpox, not only in Britain, but also globally. For example, The Sketch contains an article titled “Plague in Poona” (1 September 1897) which outlines the impact that this disease had upon the population and the government. The Sphere featured an article about plague in Punjab (20 October 1906). The Sphere also reported on cholera outbreaks in Tripoli in Libya (18 November 1911) and supplied maps detailing influenza outbreaks (20 March 1920). The Tatler included numerous illustrations. Among these is an interesting cartoon relating to the 1901–1902 smallpox outbreak. Titled “I’m Not Vaccinated” (29 January 1902), it depicts a maid informing her employer why she wishes to quit. “I don’t think its ’ardly safe”, the maid explains, “with master goin’ up to the City every day, and ’im not vaccinated”. This illustration sheds light on the social inequalities that existed in Edwardian Britain. Indeed, it highlights the disparities that existed with regard to access to the smallpox vaccine. 

Crime, Drugs, and Safety

The Sketch, 12 April 1905 

Exploring the publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 yields insights into improvements in the criminal justice system and the growing preoccupation with civilian safety. For example, The Sphere featured photographs of New York police implementing the Bertillon System, a French technique for tracking and identifying criminals (16 October 1909; 21 March 1925). Similarly, The Sketch reported on the use of the Bertillon System in France and argued that the French were seemingly much further ahead in terms of criminology than their British counterparts (28 March 1894).

The Sphere also commented upon the increasing cases of hooliganism amongst London’s poor. The paper advocated improving their living conditions so as to curb this trend (12 January 1901). For example, it published a guide on "how to tackle the hooligan" (12 April 1905). This recommended the deployment of jiu-jitsu moves for women who walked alone. To enhance civilian safety, during the 1900s The Sketch published informative features like "Criminal Warnings of Danger" (2 January 1907). This article delved into criminal codes and practices, thereby offering valuable information that could aid the public in recognising and addressing potential threats. During the 1960s London Life discussed the rise of LSD, dubbing this psychedelic drug a "social peril" (19 March 1966). Furthermore, Britannia and Eve contained a two part opinion series, penned by Lord Birkenhead, titled "Is it Right to Hang a Man?" (November 1928). This explored debates surrounding capital punishment.


Britannia and Eve, June 1939 

Nineteenth century advertisements were mostly text-heavy and in black and white. With the development of printing technology and growing consumerism advertising became more prominent, creative, and colourful. This process was detailed in an article in The Tatler titled “If Advertisers Had Their Own Way” (29 December 1909).

Britannia and Eve catered mostly to a middle and upper-class female audience. It therefore featured ads for brands such as Schweppes, Boots, Rowntree's, Elizabeth Arden, Bird’s Custard, and Debenhams. The Sphere and The Bystander showcased the development of British manufacturing and consumerism throughout the period 1900 to 1964. These publications featured ads for Rolls-Royce, Rowntree's, and McVitie's. The Tatler featured ads for Schweppes, Guinness, Kodak, and Selfridge's. It also included a number of weight loss adverts. Targeted at women, these promoted the latest diet fads. London Life provides insights into the "Ad Revolution" of the 1960s. It featured a plethora of iconic adverts for high-end brands such as Chanel, Cartier, Harrods, Mercedes, and Sony, as well as ads from the alcohol and tobacco industries. 

The adverts of the interwar and postwar eras reveal advancements in kitchen technology and an increased awareness of food safety. For example, advertisements for BTH Electric Refrigerators highlighted the importance of protecting food from bacteria and decay (see Britannia and Eve, April 1931). One can also perceive how dental care was becoming more important throughout this era, with ads from brands like Colgate and Phillips Dental Magnesia becoming prevalent.

Big brands such as Craven A, Beecham Pills, and Pears Soap abound throughout the publications in this collection. Ads for such products reflected important societal changes. For example, during the First World War Beecham Pills and Pears Soap changed their style of advertising in order to exploit patriotic sentiment. Beecham Pills had taglines such as “Business as Usual: Take Beecham Pills” (The Sketch, 4 November 1914) and “Still On The Active List and In Uniform Good Health: Thanks to Beecham Pills” (The Sphere, 22 August 1914). Pears Soap released an advert depicting a censor and his assistant opening a letter which said “Don’t Forget The P.S.”, as Pears Soap was “a great favourite at the Front” (The Sphere, 18 September 1915). 

Science and Technology

The Sphere, 6 April 1907 

The publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 were keen to report on scientific developments and technological advancements. For instance, in 1902 The Sphere printed a supplement titled “News from The Universe of Stars” (29 March 1902). This recommended books on astronomy and highlighted new discoveries. It also supplied information on developments such as the invention of the “Equatorial Telescope”. In February 1935 Britannia and Eve published an interesting piece titled "Into the New World". This offered “a prophetic vision of things to come” by musing upon the scientific marvels that the 1950s would generate.

Advancements in communications and transport were often reported on, such as accounts of the implementation of wireless telegraphy across the Atlantic (The Sphere, 22 November 1902) and the development of the electric railway system between Manchester and Liverpool (The Sphere, 4 July 1903). The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, which targeted the upper echelons of British society, shifted its focus during the Second World War from coverage that focused predominantly upon sports and theatre, to coverage relating to farming and hunting. In 1943 it became Sport and Country and in 1957 it became simply Farm and Country. Consequently, this publication evidences the modernisation of British farming.


The Bystander, 3 January 1934 

Unsurprisingly, politics were discussed regularly across all of the publications in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970. One can consult the regular “Opening of Parliament” articles in The Sketch (see, for example, 13 February 1895). The Sphere discussed the role of women in politics, reporting, for instance, on how one woman, Mrs. Seely, had helped to win her husband a seat in parliament (2 June 1900). Throughout the 1880s The Graphic boasted a recurring supplement titled “Parliament”. This narrated parliamentary matters and developments in detail. In The Sphere one can find accounts of the establishment of the Labour Party in 1906 and the formation of the Australian Commonwealth (27 January 1906;  21 July 1900). American politics were frequently discussed in several of the publications featured in this collection. Accounts of the 1928 presidential campaign can be found in Britannia and Eve’s regular “The Week in The States” column (see the issues published throughout 1928).

Britannia and Eve also published polemical articles such as “Is Parliamentary Government a Failure?” (5 October 1928); “The Curse of Bureaucracy” (12 October 1928); “The Dangers of A Socialist Victory” (May 1929); and “The Truth About Ireland” (12 November 1928). Interestingly, this publication published a piece reflecting upon the psychology of dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin (April 1937). The Bystander likewise featured an opinionated column titled “Westminster Whispers”. This surveyed the latest political gossip. 

Art, Entertainment, Literature, and Sport.

The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 18 July 1908 

Notable writers such as Thomas Hardy, Daphne du Maurier, A. A. Milne, Agatha Christie, and many more contributed to the various publications contained in British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970. Short stories and serialised novels were enormously popular during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Books and literary gossip were also a focus point for numerous periodicals. For example, in columns such as “The Literary Log'' and “The Library”, The Bystander and The Sketch reviewed the newest literary releases and discussed prominent figures in the arts.     

ILN publications also printed the works of prominent artists of the day, such as Richard Caton Woodville Jr., Louis Wain, Bruce Bairnsfather, and Helen Allingham. The Graphic and The Sketch showcased the works by artists at the forefront of emerging artistic movements. Celebrated artists such as Luke Fildes and Hubert von Herkomer, influenced by the social realist movement, used their illustrations in The Graphic to highlight social issues, illustrations which impressed the likes of Vincent van Gogh.   

As the popularity of cinema exploded in the early twentieth century, ILN publications shifted their focus away from theatre and opera to this new medium. The Bystander’s “Films of the Day” reviewed popular new releases, while The Sketch published articles such as “Film Stars and Their Families” (7 April 1937). The Tatler featured interviews with the biggest film stars of the day, including Marlene Dietrich, Anita Page, and Audrey Hepburn (8 May 1957). 

Many of the ILN publications likewise documented the rise of television. The Sketch’s “Talking of Television”, a weekly feature that began in the 1940s, reviewed the latest shows. London Life reported upon advancements in the television industry, supplying information on the development of colour TV (18 December 1965) and publishing articles on the frequently overlooked work of women in television production (7 May 1966).

Alongside the development of cinema, the late Victorian era witnessed the emergence of modern sports. During this period many sports evolved from traditional, often violent, and disorganised forms of leisure into more regulated affairs. The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News focused mostly on sports played by the upper classes, thus reflecting the interests of its readership. Reports on rowing, horse racing, polo, and tennis feature heavily in the publication. Coverage of sporting events such as Wimbledon and the Grand National abounds. In this periodical you can also find material on the emergence of the modern Olympics, such as the 1908 games, which were hosted in London for the first time.

The early twentieth century marked a period of significant change and progress in terms of women's participation in sports. “The Sportswoman” column in The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News detailed the wide range of sporting activities that women pursued during this era, such as fencing (6 January 1906), cycling (7 September 1907), and tennis (22 September 1906). Despite the prevailing prejudice that many sports were unsuitable for women, pioneering female athletes emerged during this era. For example, The Bystander profiled many notable women athletes, such as Annette Kellerman (2 August 1905), Toupie Lowther (19 December 1906), and Helen Wills (26 June 1929).

The foregoing survey of British Illustrated Periodicals, 1869–1970 is merely a guide. This article has provided a snapshot of what this extensive and fascinating collection has to offer students and researchers. For more information on this collection, please visit the landing pages for each ILN publication: The Graphic, Sporting and Dramatic News, The Sketch, The Sphere, The Tatler, The Bystander, Illustrated War News, Britannia and Eve, and London Life.   

Authored by British Online Archives

British Online Archives

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