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Records from Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1559-1932 - Volumes


7 volumes in Records from Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1559-1932

View volume: Admission, Discharge, and Death Registers, 1683-1919.

Admission, Discharge, and Death Registers, 1683-1919

This volume contains patient admission and discharge and death registers compiled by the Bethlem Royal Hospital during the period 1683-1919. Admission registers, 1683-1919 (References: ARA; ARB; ARC): Pre-1840s admission registers are straightforward ledgers including the patient’s name, admission date, discharge date (sometimes accompanied by a reason for discharge), and names of securities—i.e., those paying or liable for the patient’s stay in hospital. After the 1840s, the registers became more “sophisticated and... Read more →

  • Contributor:  Bethlem Museum of the Mind; Findmypast Ltd
  • Reference:  73624-A
  • Number of Documents:  54
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
View volume: Female Patient Casebooks, 1778-1913.

Female Patient Casebooks, 1778-1913

This volume contains female patient casebooks compiled by the Bethlem Royal Hospital during the period 1778-1913 and the Warlingham Park Hospital during the period 1903-1912. Female patient casebooks from Bethlem, 1778-1913 (Reference: CB): The earlier Bethlem casebooks include the patient’s name and admission date, as well as a description of their illness and observations on their behaviour. After 1909, the books record additional information, such as the patient’s residence, profession, marital... Read more →

  • Contributor:  Bethlem Museum of the Mind; Findmypast Ltd
  • Reference:  73624-B
  • Number of Documents:  93
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
View volume: Male Patient Casebooks, 1793-1913.

Male Patient Casebooks, 1793-1913

This volume contains male patient casebooks compiled by the Bethlem Royal Hospital during the period 1793-1913 and the Warlingham Park Hospital during the period 1903-1913. Male patient casebooks from Bethlem, 1793-1913 (Reference: CB): The earlier Bethlem casebooks include the patient’s name and admission date, as well as a description of their illness and observations on their behaviour. After 1909, the books record additional information, such as the patient’s residence, profession, marital... Read more →

  • Contributor:  Bethlem Museum of the Mind; Findmypast Ltd
  • Reference:  73624-C
  • Number of Documents:  85
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
View volume: Voluntary and Curable Patient Casebooks, 1816-1913.

Voluntary and Curable Patient Casebooks, 1816-1913

This volume contains “voluntary and curable” patient casebooks compiled by the Bethlem Royal Hospital during the period 1816-1913. These patients admitted themselves to the hospital under their own free will.Voluntary and curable patient casebooks, 1816-1913 (Reference: CB): The earlier casebooks include the patient’s name and admission date, as well as a description of their illness and observations on their behaviour. After 1909, the books record additional information, such as the... Read more →

  • Contributor:  Bethlem Museum of the Mind; Findmypast Ltd
  • Reference:  73624-D
  • Number of Documents:  40
  • Metadata: View all Metadata
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