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Global Governance in the 20th Century

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  • Global Governance in the 20th Century
A composite still life of various international currencies, featuring faces of world leaders past and present.
Global GovernanceInternational Order in the 20th Century Trial Series

What's Inside

3 Collections
31 Volumes
1,532 Documents
464,582 Pages
Blue United Nations stamp, with the text "We the peoples of the United Nations..."


Global governance refers to a norms and rule-based order that is regulated and enforced through multilateral institutions at a transnational level. These bodies cover a whole host of human activity in both the public and private sector, from trade and finance to public health and war. 

This series encompasses three unique primary source collections that shed light on Western attempts to manage the international system in the early to mid-20th century. 

Paris Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939 covers the aftermath of the First World War and the emergence of the League of Nations. Prosecuting the Holocaust: British Investigations into Nazi Crimes, 1944-1949 details developments in international jurisprudence in the years immediately after the Second World War. Establishing the Post-War International Order, 1944-1961 provides further context by exploring the uneasy political, economic, and military settlement that came to define the Cold War world. 

Dates Covered



  • The National Archives
  • The National Archives (UK); The British Library


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View document: UK: Consultations under Article XIV Section 4 of Fund Article of Agreement., 1952-1958.

Licensed to access UK: Consultations under Article XIV Section 4 of Fund Article of Agreement., 1952-1958

Contributor The National Archives
CollectionEstablishing the Post-War International Order, 1944-1961
View document: Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Aaland Islands to Greece, 1919.

Licensed to access Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Aaland Islands to Greece, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Heligoland to Japan, 1919.

Licensed to access Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Heligoland to Japan, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Japan (cont.) to Russia, 1919.

Licensed to access Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Japan (cont.) to Russia, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Savoy to Syria, 1919.

Licensed to access Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Savoy to Syria, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Syria (cont.) to Ottoman Empire, 1919.

Licensed to access Papers relating to Paris Peace Conference, Syria (cont.) to Ottoman Empire, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: General Notes, 1917.

Licensed to access General Notes, 1917

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Notes on the Formation of the League of Nations, 1919.

Licensed to access Notes on the Formation of the League of Nations, 1919

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939
View document: Notes on the first assembly of the League of Nations, 1920.

Licensed to access Notes on the first assembly of the League of Nations, 1920

Contributor The British Library
CollectionParis Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939


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Representatives from the Soviet Union, UK and US at the 1945 Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany.

Licensed to access Establishing the Post-War International Order, 1944-1961

20th Century Modern History International Relations War, Security, and Intelligence Economics Europe Asia Africa The Americas
Contributor The National Archives Contents 14 Volumes, 1275 Documents (231,364 Pages)
A black and white image of French, British and Italian ministers at the Paris Peace Conference.

Licensed to access Paris Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939

20th Century Modern History International Relations War, Security, and Intelligence Europe Colonialism and Empire The Americas
Contributor The National Archives (UK); The British Library Contents 9 Volumes, 113 Documents (52,343 Pages)
A barbed wire fence in the foreground, running parallel to a watch tower

Licensed to access Prosecuting the Holocaust: British Investigations into Nazi Crimes, 1944-1949

20th Century Modern History International Relations War, Security, and Intelligence Europe
Contributor The National Archives Contents 8 Volumes, 144 Documents (180,875 Pages)
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