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International Day of Education 2024

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Authored by Rex Cleaver
Published on 24th January, 2024 1 min read

International Day of Education 2024

Today (24/01/2024) is the International Day of Education. Established by the United Nations in 2018, this initiative aims to promote education as a human right. It is likewise underpinned by the conviction that education can generate global peace and development. According to the UN, some 771 million people across the world remain illiterate, whilst 244 million children and young people do not attend school. This poses a significant obstacle to the creation of a fairer society: without universal access to education, there is little hope of achieving gender or economic equality. 

The International Day of Education serves as an important reminder that education should be available to everyone: it is a right, not a privilege. Following the UN’s "invest in people, prioritise education" summit that took place in 2023, the theme of this year’s event is "learning for lasting peace". Amid a surge of violent conflicts across the globe, the crucial role that education plays in addressing democratic erosion, inequality, and discrimination is evident.

UNESCO has dedicated this year's International Day of Education to the important role teachers and education play in countering hate speech, a phenomenon which poses a threat to the fabric of society. Exacerbated by the prevalence of social media, unfortunately, hate speech has been on the rise in recent years. 

For more information about this event, and to read the report in full, check out UNESCO’s official site: 

Authored by Rex Cleaver

Rex Cleaver

Rex is an Editorial Assistant at British Online Archives

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