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Al Hijra (Islamic New Year)

Authored by Alice Broome
Published on 18th July, 2023 1 min read

Al Hijra (Islamic New Year)

Silhouettes of buildings. A crescent moon and a star are situated above text reading "Happy Islamic New Year".

Today’s (18/07/2023) sunset will mark the beginning of Al Hijra celebrations. Al Hijra, signifying the beginning of the Islamic New Year and the first day of Muharram (the first month of the Islamic calendar), is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It begins at sunset tonight and continues into the day tomorrow (19/07/2023). The dates of Al Hijra are based on the phases of the moon and so vary from year to year.

Al Hijra signifies Hijra (or Hegira), when in 622 CE the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated from Mecca to Medina to flee persecution. His followers migrated with Him and they subsequently set up a new community in Medina founded upon the principles and teachings of Islam. The new community were bound together by their faith and belief in God and developed ethical guidelines that formed the foundation of Islamic practice. The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) move exemplified his belief that the significance of connections to others based on Islam outweighed familial and tribal bonds.

Al Hijra is not a religious celebration as such, but instead a cultural celebration, where individuals may reflect upon their previous year and make plans and resolutions for the next.

British Online Archives would like to wish those celebrating a very happy Al Hijra and warm wishes for the new year.

Authored by Alice Broome

Alice Broome

Alice Broome is an Editor at British Online Archives. She is a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics graduate from the University of York.

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