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London Life, 1965-1966

Authored by British Online Archives
Published on 14th July, 2022 2 min read

London Life, 1965-1966

A photograph of Geraldine Chaplin, actress, with pink letters that read 'london life'. Only her face is visible, and her mouth and eye are partially covered by black fur, which extends across the page.

Launched in 1965, London Life was one of several titles owned by The Illustrated London News (ILN). A reincarnation of The Tatler (1901-1965) – which, from its inception, had catered primarily to a wealthy and conservative readership – London Life represented a radical departure from its predecessor. This new magazine endeavored to "reflect all aspects of the life of London" and, throughout its brief existence, it successfully conveyed the spirit of the "Swinging Sixties" in the world’s "capital of cool". Encompassing nearly 5,000 images, this collection contains all 63 issues of London Life, published between October 1965 and December of the following year. 

London Life covers a wide range of topics, from music and film to sexuality and the thriving nightlife of London’s West End. At the same time, it captures the increasingly cosmopolitan nature of British society, documenting the emergence of a more diverse media landscape and audience. Featuring interviews with cultural icons such as Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger, as well as contributions from rising stars such as supermodel Jean Shrimpton and entertainer Anita Harris, London Life remains emblematic of 1960s counterculture. Accordingly, this collection contains essential material for researchers and students of cultural history and, specifically, of Britain’s cultural revolution.

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Authored by British Online Archives

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