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Documents relating to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1944-1961

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Documents relating to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1944-1961

Collection: Establishing the Post-War International Order, 1944-1961    Volumes    Documents relating to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1944-1961

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in 1945 as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Its primary purpose was to ensure the stability of the international monetary system through increased cooperation and oversight, as well as a borrowing mechanism for member states. 

This volume contains records from five British government departments—the Board of Trade, Foreign Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Treasury, and Treasury Solicitor and Procurator General's Department—that focus on the IMF. The records cover the period 1944–1961. 

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UK: Consultations under Article XIV Section 4 of Fund Article of Agreement., 1952-1958

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 236/4551; T 236/4552; T 236/4553; T 236/4554; T 236/4555; T 236/4556; T 236/4557; T 236/4558; T 236/4559; T 236/4560; T 236/4561; T 236/4562

International Monetary Fund: Article VIII working party: ART.VIII(59)1-32., Jan 1959 - Dec 1961

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 277/856; T 277/891; T 277/901; T 277/902; T 277/937; T 277/938; T 277/998

T 312/291 - Currency of drawings and re-purchases., 1960-1961

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 312/291

TS 27/1369 - International Bank and Monetary Fund: loan agreements and Loan Regulation No. 4., 01/01/1951 - 31/12/1951

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):TS 27/1369

T 236/4804 - Policy on borrowing from US and International Monetary Fund (IMF)., 1950-1959

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 236/4804

Further liberalisation of imports and UK move to permanent obligations of International Monetary Fund Agreement Article VIII., 1959-1960

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 236/5573; T 236/5574; T 236/5575; T 236/5576

Determination formulas and reviews of quotas and increase in resources., 1950-1960

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 236/5689; T 236/5690; T 236/5691; T 236/5692; T 236/5693; T 236/5694; T 236/5695; T 236/5696; T 236/5697; T 236/5698; T 236/5699; T 236/5700; T 236/5701

Controls on capital movements: IMF Agreement Article IV.

Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):T 236/5702; T 236/5703
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