Anglo-American joint projects, 1940-1954
Anglo-American joint projects, 1940-1954
Collection: Secrecy, Sabotage, and Aiding the Resistance: How Anglo-American Cooperation Shaped World War II Volumes Anglo-American joint projects, 1940-1954
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The role of US security services within the South East Asia Command, 1945
WO 203/6386 OSS: War Office: South East Asia Command: Duties and functions of OSS in SEAC, 01 February, 1945 - 31 October, 1945; WO 203/6449 OSS: War Office: South East...
Date:1945-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 203/6386; WO 203/6449;

Americans under British surveillance: the Danish movement, and Greeks 1940-1944
HS 2/28 Special Operations Executive: Group C, Scandinavia: Registered Files. Denmark. Danish movement in America, 1940-1941; HS 5/488 Special Operations Executive: Balkans: Registered Files. Greece. Greeks in America; reports, 1942-1944.
Date:1940-1944Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):HS 2/28; HS 5/488;

Appointment of William Stephenson as Security Service Representative in the Western Hemisphere, 1942
KV 4/444 Appointment of William Stephenson, Director of Security Coordination, New York, as Security Service Representative in the Western Hemisphere in, 1942, 1942 Aug 07 - 1954 Jun 17.
Date:1942-1954Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):KV 4/444;

Operational procedures of the Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1944
HS 8/381 Ministry of Economic Warfare, SFHQ (Special Forces Headquarters) operational procedures, 1944 Jan 01 - 1944 Dec 31.
Date:1944-1944Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):HS 8/381;

The Ministry of Economic Warfare and the US government: statutory records and Black List, Jan-Apr 19
FO 837/200B Ministry of Economic Warfare and successors: Records. Statutory and Black List. Co-operation with the United States government, 02 January, 1942 - 14 April, 1942; FO 837/202
Date:1942-1942Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):FO 837/200B;

The Ministry of Economic Warfare and the US government: statutory records and Black List, Dec 1941 a
FO 837/196 Ministry of Economic Warfare and successors: Records. Statutory and Black List. Co-operation with the United States government, 09 December, 1941 - 31 January, 1942.
Date:1941-1942Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):FO 837/196;

Periodical reports on France by Special Forces Headquarters, 1944
WO 219/2340 War Office: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force: periodical reports, France, 1944 June ? Aug; WO 219/2341 War Office: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force: periodical reports, France, 1944 Aug,...
Date:1944-1944Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 219/2340; WO 219/2341;

Monthly progress reports by Special Forces Headquarters, 1943-1945
WO 219/2338 War Office: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force: monthly progress report, 1943 Sept.- 1944 Nov; WO 219/2339 War Office: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force: monthly progress report, 1944 Nov.-...
Date:1943-1945Contributor:The National Archives
Archive Reference(s):WO 219/2338; WO 219/2339;