Pamphlets for the Years, 1763-1764
Pamphlets for the Years, 1763-1764
Collection: The American Revolution from a British Perspective, 1763-1783 Volumes Pamphlets for the Years, 1763-1764
These items cover the rights accorded to the church in 1763, both with regard to the Charter granted to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and concerning the Church of England?s claims upon the American Fishery. The Papers from 1764 continue the focus upon the rights accorded to the church; however, they also include items regarding the trade and rights of the North American Colonies.
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Considerations on the Penal Laws against Roman Catholics in England, and The New acquired Colonies in America. [Fleming, Caleb] - The Claims of the Church of England seriously examined. Gee,...

Mayhew, Jonathan - Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. [Bollan, William] - The Ancient Right of The English...