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USPG C series records relating to Nova Scotia to c.1860

USPG C series records relating to Nova Scotia to c.1860

Collection: Canada in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1722-1952    Volumes    USPG C series records relating to Nova Scotia to c.1860
The decision over whether Nova Scotia would be settled as a colony or not was not to be taken quickly, as demonstrated by discussion in this correspondence regarding the uncertainty over whether Nova Scotia would be settled or not. These papers then include a description of the origin of Sherbrooke's settlement by the British. The campaign to win souls for their protestant church was to be fought on several fronts; commentary on the beliefs of the First Nations 'Indians' reveals missionaries' perceptions of the First Nations' religious practices as they found them. Other competition for conversions came from Catholics, the Oxford Movement, Methodists, and lay preachers of no precise denomination. The fear of losing ground to other denominations and sense of competition with them is prevalent throughout much of this group, especially so in articles of correspondence where additional funds are requested. These items include a large volume of correspondence from Archbishop Dr. John Inglis and from Archdeacon Edward Wix, alongside a description of the work by Henry Alline which is confined to document C-Can-NS-08 add. Much of the remaining content features accounts of church shortages, missionary shortages, and book shortages as income failed to keep pace with the exponential growth of the Society. Further information about these documents is available via this link.
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C-Can-NS-17, Collection Guide and Indexes

This document contains the group introduction and guide as published with these papers on microfilm. Contents include an introduction that both describes the context for these items and highlights the...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-16, 1828-1850

Three core themes emerge from this correspondence, the foremost of these is narrative accounts describing the challenges of missionary life. The stream of requests for money to hire missionaries and...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-15, 1795-1858

These records address some laws that receive little coverage elsewhere, they include copies of an Act for encouraging the Establishment of Schools throughout the Province and an Act which included...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-14, 1840-1858

These papers include some insight into missionary recruitment not found elsewhere. From some correspondence which illustrates the conversations and questions that preceded applicants choice to apply, to the application itself...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-13, 1831-1858

These documents provide a clear picture of conditions at St Margret's Bay in the 1840's and the early 1850's. Churches were being built, consecrated and opened on a frequent basis...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-12, 1830-1858

The recurring threat from other churches, the Methodists and the Dissenters on this occasion, is still being used as part of pleas for more money in these items. A number...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-11, 1842-1845

This correspondence, relating to the Archbishop, Dr. John Inglis, describes the arrival of a number of groups to the colony. From the arrival of ten thousand American Loyalists after the...

Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-NS-10, 1833-1841

These items cover the time period of the Canadian budget crisis and its impact can be seen in numerous articles of correspondence. Commencing with a decision to delay hiring a...

Contributor:Bodleian Library
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