USPG C series records relating to Toronto to c.1860
USPG C series records relating to Toronto to c.1860
Collection: Canada in Records from Colonial Missionaries, 1722-1952 Volumes USPG C series records relating to Toronto to c.1860
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C-Can-Tor-07, 1842-1858
This assortment of items includes a letter from G.W. Hope at Downing Street, London to Rev. A.M. Campbell regarding payment of salaries in the Diocese of Toronto; a copy of...
Date:1842-1858Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-06, 1847-1858
These items include a series of Annual Returns with regard to Chinguacousey, St. Catherines, Northport, Rice Lake, Scarborough, Otterville, Barton, Glanford, Goderich, Bayfield, Seymour, Elizabeth Town, Christ Church, Hillier, Sandwich,...
Date:1847-1858Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-05, 1822-1857
This document includes a far higher share of printed items than its predecessors. Printed items amidst the correspondence include coverage from the opening of a King's College which would later...
Date:1822-1857Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-04, 1838-1850
Most of this content is with regard to missionaries themselves including their low wages, those seeking to become a missionary, illnesses suffered from, expenses requests and how their work is...
Date:1838-1850Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-03b, 1844-1849
These records do share the correspondence upon the erection of churches and impecunious state of the church which is common to a number of these documents; they also contain less...
Date:1844-1849Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-03a, 1838-1843
The theme of low wages being paid infrequently to missionaries is continued in these records, as is the call for more funds with which to build churches. More unusual items...
Date:1838-1843Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-02, 1839-1849
These papers show a church that is beginning to worry about where its money is going to come from. A suggestion that they start paying clergy's wages out of the...
Date:1839-1849Contributor:Bodleian Library

C-Can-Tor-01, 1838-1851
These narrative accounts describe the advances of the church in Toronto as it progressed and its expanding congregations required an increasing number of churches and clergy. This correspondence relates to...
Date:1838-1851Contributor:Bodleian Library