Parole Locations, 1812-1815
Parole Locations, 1812-1815
Collection: Prison Ship Records from the War of 1812 Volumes Parole Locations, 1812-1815
Most of these records are very detailed in regard to the prisoners' physical appearance, they also include details of when the prisoners arrived and where they were to go next. The data on prisoners is held in 4, type 5, General Entry Books which cover the period from June 1812 until August 1815. The records from different places cover different time periods: Dartmouth from December 1812 until August 1815, Halifax in Nova Scotia from June 1812 until March 1815, Jamaica from August 1812 until March 1815, and Odiham from July 1812 until March 1814.
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General Entry Book of American prisoners of war on parole at Odiham
This type 5 General Entry Book contains about 102 records, covering prisoner serial numbers: 1-34 and 11-45, from July 1812 - March 1814. Book identifier: ADM 103-593.
Date:1812-1814Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-593;

General Entry Book of American prisoners of war on parole at Jamaica
This 'General Entry Book of American prisoners of war on parole at Jamaica between 28th August 1812 and 30th March 1815' is a type 5 General Entry Book, containing approximately...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-573;

General Entry Book of French and American prisoners of war on parole at Halifax, NS
The title in the front of the volume is 'General Entry Book of French prisoners of war on parole at Halifax, NS'. The American section starts on page 15 and...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-571;

General Entry Book of American prisoners of war on parole at Dartmouth
This type 5 General Entry Book contains about 370 records, covering prisoner serial numbers which are not in serial order; it has not been possible to determine where the numbers...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-569;