Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1812-1815
Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1812-1815
Collection: Prison Ship Records from the War of 1812 Volumes Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1812-1815
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Releases, paroles and exchanges of prisoners from Halifax
The printed form is a type 2 General Entry Book; however, most columns are not filled. This volume records releases, paroles and exchanges of prisoners whose primary entries are in...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-169;

Lists of British and American prisoner exchanges (at Halifax)
These lists of exchanged British and American prisoners are offset against each other, though the dates indicate that co-location of the lists does not mean that a British prisoner listed...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-171;

Paroles from Halifax
The printed format of this volume is a type 2 General Entry Book, but the material consists of a list of American POWs sent home on parole under a blanket...
Date:1813-1813Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-28;

General Entry Book for soldier prisoners of war at Halifax, NS
This 'General Entry Book for soldier prisoners of war at ----------' is a type 2 General Entry Book, the first section of which contains only French prisoners of war. On...
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-170;

General Entry Book of French, American, and Dutch prisoners of war held at Halifax
From the start until page 62 this type 2 General Entry Book contains the records of French prisoners of war at Halifax, NS, by Mr John Dunster, Agent. Pages 63...
Date:1812-1812Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s): ADM 103-173;

General Entry Book of American prisoners of war at Halifax
This type 2 General Entry Book contains 2121 records, covering prisoner serial numbers 6027 - 8148, from April 1814 - January 1815; it also features an index to prizes. Book...
Date:1814-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-168;

General Entry Book of American prisoners of war received at Halifax,
Produced by Lieut. William Miller, this type 2 General Entry Book contains 6026 records, many of which are United States Army prisoners records. This book covers prisoner serial numbers: 1...
Date:1812-1814Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-167;