Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Barbados, 1812-1815
Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Barbados, 1812-1815
Collection: Prison Ship Records from the War of 1812 Volumes Prison Ships and Depots in Overseas Locations - Barbados, 1812-1815
These records indicate that this base was mainly used as a stopping-off point from which those captured would be either be discharged to another part of the penal system or exchanged. The data on prisoners is held in 2 General Entry Books which cover the period from August 1812 until March 1815. The latter of these two entry books is the only example of a type 3 General Entry Book within this collection. As part of a type 3 entry book, the records in this volume are focussed on when the prisoner was sent to and discharged from hospital; these entries reference the records in the preceding book which has resulted in them being much more concise than those records.
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List of sick American prisoners of war sent to and returned from hospital at Barbados
This type 3 General Entry Book contains about 140 records, covering prisoners listed in the type 2 Barbados General Entry Books. Book identifier: ADM 103-14.
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-14;

General Entry Book of American prisoners of war at Barbados
This type 2 General Entry Book contains 1453 records, covering prisoner serial numbers: 1 - 1453, from August 1812 - March 1815. Book identifier: ADM 103-13.
Date:1812-1815Contributor:National Archives
Archive Reference(s):ADM 103-13;