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Union of Democratic Control

Union of Democratic Control

Collection: Conscientious Objection During World War 1    Volumes    Union of Democratic Control
The Union of Democratic Control (UDC), as its name implies, was primarily concerned about the lack of democratic accountability in the making of British foreign policy. Its prime target was what was seen as the processes of 'secret diplomacy' which had drawn Britain into the war. Beginning with the publication of its manifesto in 1914, it campaigned throughout the war and continued to press its case during the inter-war years and beyond. It developed an extensive local organisation, with at least 100 UDC branches across Britain and, by 1917, had more than 10,000 members. Its credibility was further reinforced by the presence on its Executive Committee of men and women who were at the heart of national politics - Charles Trevelyan MP, Arthur Ponsonby MP, Ramsay MacDonald MP, Philip Snowden MP, Helen M. Swanwick, Norman Angel and campaigning journalist E. D. Morel who was its first Secretary.
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UDC minutes

  • Description: U DDC/1/1: Minute book of General Council with some secretary's reports, constitutions, accounts and minutes of annual general meetings, 17 Nov 1914 - 8 Mar 1919. U DDC/1/2: Minute book of General Council, 17 Oct 1919 - 22 Sep 1938.U DDC/1/3: Minutes of General Council and associated papers (constitution, reports, etc.), 17 Nov 1914 - 9 Mar 1916.U DDC/1/4: Minutes of Executive Committee, 27 Jun 1915 - 14 Jan 1919.U DDC/1/5: Minutes of Executive Committee, 28 Jan 1919 - 25 Apr 1922. With minutes of Finance and Organisers' Committees, 1917 - 1918.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
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  • Reference: 73006b-01
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Papers of E D Morel

  • Description: One of the most influential campaigning journalists of his generation, Edmund Dene Morel first established himself in 1906 with a shocking exposure of the atrocities committed by the Belgian authorities in their administration of the Congo and, for a number of years produced a number of books critical of the administration of European colonies in West Africa. However, as the European nations drew closer to war he shifted the emphasis of his work to the threat posed by secret diplomacy. Indeed, it could be argued that the UDC was a direct consequence of Morel's critique. Many of its publications and its leaflets were either written by him or carried a foreword by 'Mr. E. D. Morel'.In July 1916 he published a pamphlet, Truth and the War, which argued that Britain was no less responsible than Germany for the events which had led to the outbreak of war. More than 30,000 copies were sold but when Morel sent a copy of the leaflet to the writer Romain Rolland in Switzerland, he was arrested and charged under the Defence of the Realm Act with unlawfully transmitting printed matter to a neutral country. For this he was sent to prison for six months. Having left the Liberal Party because of the war, he joined Labour and in 1922 was returned as M.P. for Dundee.In addition to copies of the order of service for his funeral and for a memorial service organised by the Sheffield Trades and Labour Council and the ILP, there is here a selection of his writings. Other work by Morel is listed with UDC publications and leaflets. U DDC/4/34: The papers here include a pamphlet on the origins of the UDC; notices of meetings to be attended by E.D.M.; correspondence with E. V. Rogers; booklets, The Black Scourge in Europe, Red Rubber, The Poison that Destroys and Thoughts on the War by E.D.M.; pamphlet and article in The New Leader on E.D.M.; Forms of Memorial Services for E.D.M. at St. Martin's in the Fields and Sheffield. Also correspondence with Stella Morel, E. V. Rogers, E. F. Edwards, Grace Beaton, Robert Entwistle and Alfred W. Page, 1910-1935.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 73006b-02
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UDC books

  • Description: U DDC/5/1: Democracy and Diplomacy by Arthur Ponsonby, 1915, 198pp. U DDC/5/2: The ABC of the UDC by B N Langdon-Davies, c.1916, 72pp.U DDC/5/5: The Future of Constantinople by Leonard S. Woolf, 1917, 109pp.U DDC/5/7: The Secret Treaties by F. Seymour Cocks (preface by Charles Trevelyan), 1918, 94pp.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 73006b-03
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<i>The UDC</i>

  • Description: The monthly journal of the Union of Democratic Control, The U.D.C. began publication in November 1915 and was published consistently throughout the war. The issues collected here cover the period November 1915 to June 1919. Seldom fewer than eight pages and often more than twelve, it regularly contained lengthy articles on aspects of the war, usually by distinguished writers from the worlds of politics and academia. Charles Trevelyan, E. D. Morel, Arthur Ponsonby and J. Ramsay MacDonald were regular contributors as were Israel Zangwill, Charles Roden Buxton and F. W. Pethick Lawrence. In its Columns 'The Work of the Union' it recorded the activities of its local branches, their campaigns and especially their meetings, public and private alike. In that sense, it reflected a community and body of opinion which the mainstream press seldom acknowledged.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 73006b-04
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UDC pamphlets (U DDC/5/85 - 145)

  • Description: U DDC/5/85 'Why should Democracy control Foreign Policy', 20th century; U DDC/5/86 'Why you should join the Union of Democratic Control', 20th century; U DDC/5/87 'What is the Balance of Power?', 20th century; U DDC/5/88 'Crushing Germany', 20th century; U DDC/5/89 'What is a Treaty', 20th century; U DDC/5/90 'Some people are asking: Is this the time to talk about terms of settlement', 20th century; U DDC/5/91 'Our Soldiers and the Union of Democratic Control', c1915; U DDC/5/92 'Why we should think about peace', by Arthur Ponsonby, c1915; U DDC/5/93 'War and Diplomacy', by E.D. Morel, c1915; U DDC/5/94 'The Union of Democratic Control', by E.D. Morel, c1915; U DDC/5/95 'The Union of Democratic Control. What it is and what it is not', Nov 1915; U DDC/5/96 'Mr. Ponsonby and Mr. Trevelyan in the House of Commons', Nov 1915; U DDC/5/97 'Earl Loreburn and Lord Courtney of Penwith in the House of Lords'; U DDC/5/98 'What the Press now says: More Support for the UDC', c1915; U DDC/5/99 'Terms of Peace', c1915; U DDC/5/100 'Secret Diplomacy a Menace to the Security of the State', by E.D. Morel, c1915; U DDC/5/101 'The Attack upon Freedom of Speech. The Broken-up Meeting at the Memorial Hall, 29th Nov 1915', c1915; U DDC/5/102 'The Attack upon Freedom of Speech. Astounding Official Defence', c1915; U DDC/5/103 'Our Ultimate Objects in this War', c1915; U DDC/5/104 'The Union of Democratic Control. Its Motives, Object and Policy', Jan 1916; U DDC/5/105 'Rex v. E.D. Morel', Sep 1917; U DDC/5/106 'How Labour is Helping to secure a Permanent Peace', Jan 1917; U DDC/5/107 'Whither', by E.D. Morel, early 20th century; U DDC/5/108 'The Prime Minister's Declaration. Its Effect on Germany', early 20th century; U DDC/5/109 'The Case for Negotiation', by Charles Trevelyan, Nov 1916; U DDC/5/110 'What our Allies think about Economic War', Jul 1916; U DDC/5/111 'Resolutions Passed at the Second Annual Meeting of the General Council of the Union of Democratic Control, 10th Oct 1916', Oct 1916; U DDC/5/112 'Our Policy towards Russia', by Joseph King, Mar 1919; U DDC/5/113 'President Wilson's Message to the World', c1919; U DDC/5/114 'British Working Men Observe: French Workers support Wilson', c1919; U DDC/5/115 'Common Sense and our Russian Policy', by John Rickman, May 1919; U DDC/5/116 'French Members of Parliament and the Knock-out Blow', early 20th centruy; U DDC/5/117 'Free Russia and the Union of Democratic Control', 1910s; U DDC/5/118 'Russia's Real Aims: An Appeal to British Democracy', 1910s; U DDC/5/119 'Secret Diplomacy No. 1. Lies that helped to make the War', 1910s; U DDC/5/120 'Vindication of Mr. Morel in the House of Commons', c1917; U DDC/5/121 'Secret Diplomacy No. 3. Secret Treaties between the Allies', 1910s; U DDC/5/122 'How to get a Permanent Peace', 1910s; U DDC/5/123 'How to obtain Popular Control over Foreign Policy', by Arthur Ponsonby, 1910s; U DDC/5/124 'The Morrow of the War', c1914; U DDC/5/125 'Shall this War end German Militarism?', by Norman Angell, c1914; U DDC/5/126 'The Origins of the Great War', by H.N. Brailsford, c1914; U DDC/5/127 'Parliament and Foreign Policy', by Arthur Ponsonby, c1914; U DDC/5/128 'The National Policy.', c1914; U DDC/5/129 'The International Industry of War', c1914; U DDC/5/130 'War and the Workers. A Plea for Democratic Control', by J. Ramsay Macdonald, c1915; U DDC/5/131 'Why we should state Terms of Settlement', c1915; U DDC/5/132 'Towards an International Understanding' (x3), c1915; U DDC/5/135 'Women and War', by H.M. Swanwick (x4), c1915; U DDC/5/139 'The Polish Problem', by A Pole (x2), c1915; U DDC/5/141 'The Prussian in our Midst', by Norman Angell (x2), 1915; U DDC/5/143 'The Balance of Power' (x3), c1915.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 73006b-05
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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UDC pamphlets (U DDC/5/146 - 172)

  • Description: U DDC/5/146 'A League of Nations', by J.A. Hobson (x2), c1915; U DDC/5/148 'Labour and the Costs of War', by J.A. Hobson (x2), Jan 1916; U DDC/5/150 'The Peace Debate in the House of Commons, 23 May 1916', 1916; U DDC/5/151 'Turkey and the Roads of the East', by H.N. Brailsford (x6), Jul 1916; U DDC/5/157 'The Outbreak of War', by E.D. Morel, 1914; U DDC/5/158 'Peace with Honour. Controversial Notes on the Settlement', by Vernon Lee (x2), 1915; U DDC/5/160 'The Community of Nations', Jan 1917; U DDC/5/161 'The Union of Democratic Control (Hammersmith and Chiswick Branch). Verbatim Report of Debate: 'That a Peace is now obtainable which will convince Germany that agression does not pay'', 24 Jan 1917; U DDC/5/162 'Tsardom's Part in the War', by E.D. Morel (x2), Aug 1917; U DDC/5/164 'The Secret Agreements'. Preface by Charles Roden Buxton, 1918; U DDC/5/165 'The Persecution of E.D. Morel', 1918; U DDC/5/166 'Pre-War Diplomacy - Fresh Revelations', by E.D. Morel, c1918; U DDC/5/167 'The Union of Democratic Control. Its History and its Policy', by Charles Trevelyan, Sep 1921; U DDC/5/168 'Foreign Policy and the People', by E.D. Morel and H.B. Lees-Smith, c1921; U DDC/5/169 'Military Preparations for the Great War. Fact versus Fiction', by E.D. Morel, Feb 1923; U DDC/5/170 'The Secret History of a Great Betrayal', by E.D. Morel. Preface by Prof. Raymond Beazley (x2), 1924; U DDC/5/172 'The Poison that Destroys', by E.D. Morel, Jul 1924.
  • Contributor: Hull University Archives
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 73006b-06
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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