Parliamentary History (2nd ed.), 1102-1660
Parliamentary History (2nd ed.), 1102-1660
Collection: British Parliamentary History, 1102-1803 Volumes Parliamentary History (2nd ed.), 1102-1660
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Vol. III, 1509-1562
"From the Accession of King Henry VIII, to the fifth Year of Queen Elizabeth."
Date:1509-1562Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. II, 1399-1509
"From the Accession of King Henry IV, to the Death of King Henry VII."
Date:1399-1509Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. I, 1102-1399
"From the Conquest, to the Deposal of King Richard II."
Date:1102-1399Contributor:Wakefield One

"A General Index to the Twenty-Three Volumes of the Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England."
Date:1102-1660Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. XXIII, 1660
"From the Meeting of the Parliament after a short Adjournment, November 6, to the Dissolution of it, December 29, 1660."Also includes an "Appendix of Several Matters relative to the foregoing...
Date:1660-1660Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. XXII, 1659-1660
"From the Disturbances in October 1659, to the Restoration of the King; and an Adjournment of the Convention Parliament in September, 1660."
Date:1659-1660Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. XXI, 1656-1659
"From the Meeting of Cromwell's third Parliament, in September, 1656, to the great Confusions in October, 1659."
Date:1656-1659Contributor:Wakefield One

Vol. XX, 1650-1651
"From the Marching of the Scots Army into England, under the Command of King Charles the Second, in August, 1651, to the Meeting of Cromwell's third Parliament, in September, 1650."
Date:1650-1651Contributor:Wakefield One