J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items
J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items
Collection: Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913 Volumes J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items
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Books and Pamphlets Kept by J W Wallace, 1866 - 1919
ZWN06/04/013-027. Contents: 1866 - 1919. The books and panphlets retained by Wallace fall predominatntly into two main categories: The largest category is science, five of these titles all come from...
Date:1866-1919Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Newspapers Sent by Walt Whitman to J W Wallace, Aug 1890 - Sep 1891
ZWN06/04/008-012. Contents: Aug 1890 - Sep 1891. This grouping contains the following newspapers which were sent to Wallace by Whitman: The Camden Post, 12 Aug 1890; The Press, Philadelphia, 14...
Date:1890-1891Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

News Cuttings Kept by J W Wallace, Apr 1892 - Oct 1920
ZWN06/04/005-007. Contents: Apr 1892 - Oct 1920. These news cuttings cover a visit to the Progressive league by Whitman, a lecture delivered on the subject of Whitman and the student...
Date:1892-1920Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Catalogues, 1926
ZWN06/04/001-004. Contents: 1926. These catalogues list the books owned by Wallace in general and the Whitman-related books owned by him in particular.
Date:1926-1926Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Obituaries, Jan - Mar 1926
ZWN06/03/012-021. Contents: Jan - Mar 1926. These obituaries of Wallace have been written by various people including: Caroline Eccles, Mrs James Allen, 'Speedwell' and Katherine Bruce Glasier.
Date:1926-1926Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

70th Birthday Tribute, Aug 1923
ZWN06/03/007-011. Contents: Aug 1923. These tributes consist of A poem: 'To J W Wallace on the 70th Anniversary of his birth', by W D (Wentworth Dixon), 11 Aug 1923 in...
Date:1923-1923Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Unpublished Biographies, Feb 1926 - Oct 1932
ZWN06/03/003-006. Contents: Feb 1926 - Oct 1932. This selection features the following two items, the former of which appears with Whitman's friends' signatures it in items 2-5: 1. Lecture: "An...
Date:1926-1932Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Published Biographies, c. 1936
ZWN06/03/001-002. Contents: c.1936. This grouping contains the following two biographies of J. W. Wallace: 1. Eccles, C. A. (1936) "James William Wallace, an English Comrade of Walt Whitman, A Memoir"....
Date:1936-1936Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service