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J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items

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J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items

Collection: Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913    Volumes    J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items
ZWN/6. The items in this range consist of letters, manuscripts, books and newspapers. The majority of content is correspondence between Wallace and his family; Wallace also made use of several notebooks. These records discuss his religious views, his views on World War One, and his active engagement with the Independent Labour Party. Unpublished biographies, records of the literature he possessed and samples of his poetry all serve to construct a picture of the man who helped found the Eagle Street College.
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Books and Pamphlets Kept by J W Wallace, 1866 - 1919

ZWN06/04/013-027. Contents: 1866 - 1919. The books and panphlets retained by Wallace fall predominatntly into two main categories: The largest category is science, five of these titles all come from...

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Newspapers Sent by Walt Whitman to J W Wallace, Aug 1890 - Sep 1891

ZWN06/04/008-012. Contents: Aug 1890 - Sep 1891. This grouping contains the following newspapers which were sent to Wallace by Whitman: The Camden Post, 12 Aug 1890; The Press, Philadelphia, 14...

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

News Cuttings Kept by J W Wallace, Apr 1892 - Oct 1920

ZWN06/04/005-007. Contents: Apr 1892 - Oct 1920. These news cuttings cover a visit to the Progressive league by Whitman, a lecture delivered on the subject of Whitman and the student...

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Catalogues, 1926

ZWN06/04/001-004. Contents: 1926. These catalogues list the books owned by Wallace in general and the Whitman-related books owned by him in particular.

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Obituaries, Jan - Mar 1926

ZWN06/03/012-021. Contents: Jan - Mar 1926. These obituaries of Wallace have been written by various people including: Caroline Eccles, Mrs James Allen, 'Speedwell' and Katherine Bruce Glasier.

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

70th Birthday Tribute, Aug 1923

ZWN06/03/007-011. Contents: Aug 1923. These tributes consist of A poem: 'To J W Wallace on the 70th Anniversary of his birth', by W D (Wentworth Dixon), 11 Aug 1923 in...

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Unpublished Biographies, Feb 1926 - Oct 1932

ZWN06/03/003-006. Contents: Feb 1926 - Oct 1932. This selection features the following two items, the former of which appears with Whitman's friends' signatures it in items 2-5: 1. Lecture: "An...

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service

Published Biographies, c. 1936

ZWN06/03/001-002. Contents: c.1936. This grouping contains the following two biographies of J. W. Wallace: 1. Eccles, C. A. (1936) "James William Wallace, an English Comrade of Walt Whitman, A Memoir"....

Collection:Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
Contributor:Bolton Archive and Local Studies Service
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