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Original correspondence, 1752-1774

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Original correspondence, 1752-1774

Collection: The East India Company: Laying the Foundations for British Colonial Domination of India, 1752-1774    Volumes    Original correspondence, 1752-1774
Sub-series CR: These items consist, for the most part, of several different series of letter books containing, Clive's mainly outgoing correspondence. They cover the years 1752-1759, 1765-1767, and 1767-1774, and pertain, respectively, to his first, second and third (and last) periods of residence in India (including the capture of Calcutta, the battle of Plassey and his first and second governorships of Bengal) and his return to and final years in England. The sub-series also contains indexes and registers of correspondence, letters in Persian and other unbound correspondence. Related papers: Complementary incoming correspondence is at the British Library MSS Eur G 37. Finding aid: An index to the letter books covering Clive's second governorship of Bengal, 1765 to 1767, is CR7/1). Language: English, Persian, French, Marathi, Bengali. Arrangement: In twelve documents: letter books of general letters to Europe and within India, country letter books, Europe letter books, letter books of letters within England to various individuals, letter books of letters within England to the Company directors, India Letter Books, letter books of letters from England to India, indexes/lists of correspondence, registers of Country correspondence letters received and sent, Persian letters, notebooks of letters sent within India, minutes of Country correspondence, and miscellaneous correspondence. Extent: 39 vols., 5 envelopes/bundles, 2 boxes.
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Showing 12 documents

Letter books of general letters to Europe and within India, 1756-1759

  • Contributor: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-01
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Country letter books, 1765-1767

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-02
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Europe letter book, 1765

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-03
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Letter books of letters from England to various individuals, 1767-1774

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-04
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Letter books of letters from England to East India Company directors, 1767-1774

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-05
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Letter books of letters from England to India, 1767-1773

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-06
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Index/list of correspondence, 1765-1767

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-07
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Register of country correspondence received and sent, 1756-1758

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-08
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Letters in Persian, 1756-1774

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-09
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Notebook of letters sent within India, 1765

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-10
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Minutes of country correspondence, 1766

  • Contributor: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-11
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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Miscellaneous correspondence, 1752-[mid 20 cent]

  • Contributor: National Library of Wales
  • Creator: 
  • Reference: 71589-1CR-12
  • Metadata:  View all Metadata
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