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Material from the Executive Committee, 1959

Material from the Executive Committee, 1959

Collection: Democratic Centralism during the Cold War, 1943-1991    Volumes    Material from the Executive Committee, 1959

This volume contains minutes and agendas from Executive Committee meetings in 1959, papers and reports on issues such as the General Election and the history of the CP of the Soviet Union. This volume also contains manuscript notes and correspondence, from figures such as William Alexander.

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Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, November 1959

This document contains papers on the work of the women’s department, manuscript notes from the EC meeting held on the 14th–15th November, a report on the 1959 General Election and...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, September 1959

This document contains minutes and agendas from the EC meeting held on the 12th–13th September, correspondence from WM. Alexander and manuscript notes.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, July 1959

This document contains minutes and agenda from the meeting held on the 11th–12th July, a report on ‘The Communist Party and Peace’, manuscript notes and a paper on the history...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, May 1959

This document contains manuscript notes from the EC meeting held on the 9th–10th May , a report on local elections, a list of amendments to the draft political resolution and...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the 26th National Congress, March 1959

This document contains correspondence from William Wainwright, constitutional amendments for the 26th National Congress, manuscript notes, a draft political report from the 26th National Congress, as well as material from...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, January 1959

This document includes minutes and agendas from the EC meeting held on the 10th–11th January, a paper on the ‘British Road to Socialism’, a copy of the ‘Economic Outlook’, manuscript...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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