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Material from the Executive Committee, 1991

Material from the Executive Committee, 1991

Collection: Democratic Centralism during the Cold War, 1943-1991    Volumes    Material from the Executive Committee, 1991

This volume contains minutes and adjacent material from Executive Committee meetings held in 1991. The material covers developments in the Gulf Crisis, the complete transformation of the CPGB into the ‘Democratic Left’, and the destabilising events occurring in the Soviet Union.

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Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, November 1991

This document contains agendas from the November EC meeting including reports from the Constitution Committee, the Executive Committee responsibilities, and various Congress reports. The document also includes some organisational papers...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, September 1991

This document contains agendas from the September EC meeting, including discussions over destabilising events in the Soviet Union and its implications for Europe and world politics. Additionally, there are also...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, July 1991

This document contains minutes from the July EC meeting including discussions over the re-election of the Political Committee, a draft constitution with a series of amendments discussed at Congress. The...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, May 1991

This document contains minuets from the May EC meeting broadly outlining a review of the constitution, a report on the state of the union, and discussions over Marxism Today. Additionally,...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, March 1991

This document contains minutes from the March EC meeting pertaining to various matters such as the status of minority amendments, John Cox’s draft constitution, and discussions over the transformation fund....

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, March 1991

This document contains minutes from the March EC meeting including discussions over the developments in the Gulf War, discussions on the political landscape and where the CPGB sits within it....

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, January 1991

This document contains minutes from the January EC meeting including discussions over the adoption of standing orders, a report titled ‘Work for the Year’ by Nina Temple, and a letter...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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