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Material from the Executive Committee, 1972

Material from the Executive Committee, 1972

Collection: Democratic Centralism during the Cold War, 1943-1991    Volumes    Material from the Executive Committee, 1972

This volume contains agendas, minutes and various papers from the 1972 Executive Committee (EC) meetings. Highlights from the volume include appeals from expelled Kent members, reports from the Science and Technology Sub-Committee, and correspondence with the Cypriote Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL).

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Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, November 1972

This file contains documents from the November EC meeting including detailed plans about a prospective book, titled ‘A New Course for Britain’, by Jack Woddis. The documents also includes handwritten...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, September 1972

This file contains minutes from the September EC meeting, including correspondence and a report regarding the publication of the controversial magazine Red Reg, handwritten notes, and a report on the...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, July 1972

This file contains documents from the July EC meeting regarding various topics such as pensions, the Manchester Ardwick constituency, party finance, the Devon and Cornwell District, press, and the Common...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, May 1972

This file contains documents from the May EC meeting, including circulars on district congresses and the Science and Technology Sub-Committee. There are also handwritten notes by Reuben Falber and Bill...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, March 1972

This file contains documents from the March EC meeting, detailing documents and correspondence on party students, election contests, finance, and propaganda. The file also includes a statement titled ‘Tell the...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Executive Committee minutes and adjacent material, January 1972

This file contains various documents in both typescript and manuscript from the January EC meetings, including items from Congress and a report from the ‘British Campaign for Peace in Vietnam’....

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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