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Material related to the CPGB and British politics, 1950-1979

Material related to the CPGB and British politics, 1950-1979

Collection: Communism in Crisis in Britain and Abroad, 1931-1979    Volumes    Material related to the CPGB and British politics, 1950-1979

Material covering developments in the Communist Party of Great Britain during Gollan’s time in the party, including a campaign on the press, industrial action in Britain, and on the ‘Common Market’ and European Economic Community.

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Material relating to the ‘Common Market’ and European Economic Community, 1975 -

Contains newspaper cuttings about the ‘Common Market’, the European Economic Community and the devaluation of the pound. Also includes manuscript notes, typescript articles on ‘How the European Community’s Institutions Work’...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Miner’s strikes and trade union conflict, 1972–1974

Contains manuscript notes and cuttings about the 1972 miner’s strikes and violence at picket lines. Also includes newspaper cuttings about the Trade Union and Labour Relations Bill.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

The cause for Welsh and Scottish devolution, 1967–1977

Contains a range of manuscript notes, typescript reports on the growing cause for devolution to Scotland and Wales (including from the Scottish and Welsh Trade Union Congress), pamphlets, a draft...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

The seamen’s strike and government response, 1966

Contains manuscript notes and plans, a range of typescript cuttings about the 1966 seamen’s strike and the government’s reaction to it, typescript accounts of speeches by Harold Wilson, a pamphlet...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Reg Birch investigation, 1965

Contains a wide range of various correspondence and typescript and manuscript notes of interviews in relation to the investigation into Reg Birch and his suspected factionalism and activity with China.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Broadcasting scripts and an interview with Robert Kee 1960–1979

Contains party political broadcast scripts and an interview conducted by John Gollan with Robert Kee in typescript.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Developments in broadcasting and the press, 1966–1969

Contains various articles and extracts from John Bonfield, Richard Briginshaw, Richard Clements, George Matthews and a range of miscellaneous notes, cuttings and typescript on the press. Also contains a typescript...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Campaign on broadcasting, 1962–1967

Contains miscellaneous notes on plans for broadcasting, newspaper cuttings about broadcasting and the impact on elections, and letters. Also includes newspaper cuttings on the attempt remove Sir Alec Douglas-Home from...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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