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Material relating to Germany, World War Two, and post-war politics in Europe (ii), 1945-1976

Material relating to Germany, World War Two, and post-war politics in Europe (ii), 1945-1976

Collection: Communism and Popular Culture in the 20th Century    Volumes    Material relating to Germany, World War Two, and post-war politics in Europe (ii), 1945-1976

Commencing with correspondence from Montagu's time in post-war Germany, these items also cover a meeting of some journalists who covered the Nuremberg trials. Following World War Two, Montagu became more interested in a committee aiming to assist peace through the use of culture. Montagu's interests also extended to science, as he visited Trofim Denisovich Lysenko with regard to a controversy regarding evolutionary genetics. Montagu then sought to assist European authorities with regard to the treatment of Typhus.

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Material on the prevalence of typhus in Eastern Europe, 1953

Montagu’s correspondence with authorities in Eastern Europe regarding incidences of typhus outbreaks.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

‘A visit to Lysénko’: a first-hand account of Montagu’s meeting with Trofím Lysénko, 1949

Montagu’s account of his visit to see Soviet biologist Trofím Denísovich Lysénko. Lysénko was a controversial Soviet scientist whose pseudo-scientific techniques are widely accepted as contributing to both Soviet and...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material relating to the British Cultural Committee for Peace, 1949

A small, incomplete cluster of images relating to the British Cultural Committee for Peace. The subject of the document is the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and the disbanding of international...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material relating to the British Peace Committee and World Peace Council, 1948-1976

Newspaper cuttings, articles, minutes, and circulars from the British Peace Committee and World Peace Committee, two organisations aimed at world peace and social justice.

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material from the 'Meeting of Former Nuremberg Trial Correspondents Organising Committee' in Warsaw, 1966

Material relating to the ‘Meeting of Former Nuremberg Trial Correspondents Organising Committee’ held in Warsaw. This was a meeting in which correspondents of the Nazi Nuremberg trials met up and...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Montagu as a Daily Worker correspondent in post-war Germany, 1945-1946

Correspondence, mainly with his wife Eileen Hellstern, from Montagu’s time as a correspondent in post-war Germany. The document also includes correspondence with George Elvin of the Association of Cine-Technicians and...

Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
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