Varied correspondence ordered by surnames T-Z, with further miscellaneous correspondence, 1919-1981
Varied correspondence ordered by surnames T-Z, with further miscellaneous correspondence, 1919-1981
Collection: Communism and Popular Culture in the 20th Century Volumes Varied correspondence ordered by surnames T-Z, with further miscellaneous correspondence, 1919-1981These items feature miscellaneous correspondence, letters discussing international relations, and items relating to left-wing movements. Featured correspondents include: A.J.P. Taylor (1948); Ernie Trory (1977-79); Raphael Tuck MP (1977); Alex Tudor-Hart (1965); Sylvia Townsend Warner (1941); Bill Wainwright (1944-51); Israel Weinberg (1977); Alexander Werth (1951-68); Monica Whately, (1945); Len Wincott c.(1958-59); and Edgar P. Young, (n.d.) The content on international relations focusses on Anglo-Soviet relations, although the Soviet invasion of Hungary is also discussed. Finally, the volume features assorted letters and leaflets from the National Minority Movement and The Fabian Society.
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Papers regarding cultural relations between the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union, 1925-1929
The 'Society for Cultural Relations between the Peoples of the British Commonwealth and the USSR' was an organisation that was established in order to diffuse information in both countries on...
Date:1925-1929Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence and papers relating to the Fabian Society, 1919-1981
Correspondents include Edward Pease; Harold Laski; George Bernard Shaw (photocopies only of Shaw's letters; originals with Rowna Barnet); John Parker; Frida Knight; Hugh Jenkins; G.D.H. Cole; and William Rodgers.
Date:1919-1981Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence and papers regarding the National Minority Movement, 1925-1927
The National Minority Movement was a movement set up by the Communist Party of Great Britain to organise a radical presence within the British trade union movement.
Date:1925-1927Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence regarding the death of Carmel Guest, 1936-1943
Carmel Guest was an aristocratic woman who was an anti-fascist fighter and communist. Correspondence includes regards from Harry Pollitt and other high ranking Communist Party of Great Britain members. Also...
Date:1936-1943Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence regarding Samuel Moore, 1975-1976
About the life and times of Samuel Moore, the man who translated Marx's ‘Das Kapital’ into English. The bulk of the correspondence focuses on his activities in Nigeria.
Date:1975-1976Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence regarding Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956-1957
The Soviet Union invaded Hungary after popular discontent had dislodged the old Communist regime from power. Includes executive discussions within the top brass of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Date:1956-1957Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence regarding a Byelorussian defector to Britain, 1944
Correspondence regarding the case of Alexander Truskowski, a disaffected Byelorussian deserter from the Polish armed forces applying to be transferred to a British unit; the case was referred to Tom...
Date:1944-1944Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Correspondence and controversy around the film ‘Chetnik! The Fighting Guerrillas’, 1943-1944
The film was based on the exploits of General Draža Mihailović of the Yugoslav guerrilla leader. He was a royalist and nationalist leader that resisted Nazi rule but later collaborated...
Date:1943-1944Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain