Correspondence with and material related to the British government, left-wing organisations, and media publications, 1919-1984
Correspondence with and material related to the British government, left-wing organisations, and media publications, 1919-1984
Collection: Communism and Popular Culture in the 20th Century Volumes Correspondence with and material related to the British government, left-wing organisations, and media publications, 1919-1984
While Montagu is not as famous as some of his contemporaries, these records do feature some well known figures, including: a membership list from the 1917 club listing J. Ramsay MacDonald and Margaret Bondfield MP as members; a survey completed by a Jerome K. Jerome on the subject of youth unemployment; and negotiations on the subject of Leon Trotsky visiting Britain. Montagu was strongly opposed to fascism and his papers from the European Workers' Anti-Fascist conference of 1933 are included in this volume. Montagu was also supportive of women's suffrage and access to contraception campaigns, the anti-apartheid movement, and in 1928, he corresponded with 'War Resisters International'.
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The mobilisation of the labour movement against fascism, 1934-1936
Newspaper cuttings discussing anti-fascist campaigns and events during the 1930s, including New Statesman’s cuttings on the Hyde Park anti-fascist rally. Correspondence relating to Montagu’s potential use of material for articles...
Date:1934-1936Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

European Workers’ Anti-Fascist Congress, 1933
This document is comprised of a delegate file given to Montagu as an attendee delegate from 'Friends of the Soviet Union'. The conference aimed to unite workers from across Europe,...
Date:1933-1933Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Lobbying for Trotsky’s entry to Britain, 1929-1931
Correspondence with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky and other prominent international communist figures. Much of the correspondence centers around Montagu’s efforts to enlist help in his quest to secure asylum for...
Date:1929-1931Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material relating to the ‘World League for Sexual Reform’, 1929-1932
Papers relating to the 'World League for Sexual Reform', including correspondence and papers regarding the 3rd International Congress 1929, an inscribed edition of a pamphlet by Norman Haire (in French),...
Date:1929-1932Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material relating to ‘The 1917 Club’, 1923-1928
Materials relating to the '1917 Club', a left-wing organisation with the following goal: ‘The object of the Club shall be to provide a meeting place for the interchange of opinion...
Date:1923-1928Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Editorship of the magazine ‘Youth’, 1921
A small number of files related to Montagu’s editorship of the magazine Youth.
Date:1921-1921Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Collapse of the British Socialist Party, 1919
A letter from the leaders of the British Socialist Party (BSP) preceding the collapse of the party in 1919. This content of the letter relates to a controversial resolution at...
Date:1919-1919Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material relating to various miscellaneous political and social organisations, 1928-1980
Correspondence and other material relating to Montagu’s interest in various political and social organisations. This includes material relating to the Joint Committee for Soviet Aid; Juventud Combatiente (an organisation of...
Date:1928-1980Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain