Material relating to Montagu’s domestic and international publications, 1922-1977
Material relating to Montagu’s domestic and international publications, 1922-1977
Collection: Communism and Popular Culture in the 20th Century Volumes Material relating to Montagu’s domestic and international publications, 1922-1977
As an international communist who often travelled to different European countries, Montagu did not restrict his submissions to English magazines. These items include submissions to Russian and Bulgarian publications, as well as his submissions to English journals which paint sympathetic portraits of the Soviet Union. While Montagu often contributed to publications, his correspondence with their editors covers subjects such as possible communist affiliation to the Labour Party, research for his article on Solzhenitsyn, and the funding of those publications. A keen sports fan, Montagu kept records of his plans to use sporting philosophy to unite countries and increase British empathy with the Soviet Union. He also hoped sport could be used to foster world peace.
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Correspondence relating to written publications by Montagu (ii), 1924-1976
Correspondence between Montagu and a host of British publications. This includes, but is not limited to, The Anglo-Soviet Journal, British Broadcasting Corporation, British Soviet Friendship Society, Challenge magazine, Comment, The...
Date:1924-1976Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material related to Marxism Today, 1962-1974
Correspondence with James Klugmann and other editorial staff regarding writing articles for Marxism Today, a theoretical magazine of the Communist Party of Great Britain. The content mainly covers logistical and...
Date:1962-1974Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Material related to Labour Monthly, 1944-1970
Material, including articles and correspondence, relating to Labour Monthly, a magazine sponsored by the Communist Party of Great Britain. Ivor Montagu was a long-time contributor and the material covers subjects as...
Date:1944-1970Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Correspondence relating to written publications by Montagu (i), 1931-1971
Correspondence between Montagu and the various publications he worked for, including the Daily Worker. Like many files related to these publications, discussions often center around the constant battle to keep...
Date:1931-1971Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Written material related to international relations, politics and sport, 1922-1953
In this document Montagu, himself an avid sports fan, writes in support of international football matches between England and the Soviet Union during World War Two. He also discusses the...
Date:1922-1953Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Written material for publication abroad, 1949-1977
Correspondence, including telegrams, and original draft material of articles that Montagu wrote for foreign publications. This includes articles “What the Englishman Expects from 1954”, an article written for the 60th...
Date:1949-1977Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Writings on Soviet culture and society, n.d.
An assortment of Montagu's written material on Soviet culture and society. In these materials Ivor Montagu discusses the culture and society of the Soviet Union, particularly relating to sports. He...
Date:1922-1976Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Miscellaneous work related to Montagu, 1929-1976
Typescript and manuscript notes of material published and relating to Ivor Montagu. This includes the AGM of Film Production Branch (1976), a report on Romania, ‘Zionism, Imperialism, and Racism’, songs...
Date:1929-1976Contributor:Archive Trust of the Communist Party of Great Britain