The American Revolution from a British Perspective, 1763-1783 - Volumes
11 volumes in The American Revolution from a British Perspective, 1763-1783 | Page 3 of 3

Pamphlets for the Years, 1779-1780
Commencing with a series of addresses to the Houses of Parliament, 1779 sees the advent of pamphlets using the term ?war? rather than ?rebellion? or ?crisis?. With the change in terminology, is an accompanying change in emphasis, as the writings upon reconciliation dwindle into obsolescence. Meanwhile, satire emerges as a propaganda weapon with ?The Britoniad, A Poem?, ?Patriotic Perfidy, A Satire?, ?Paul Jones: Or The Fife Coast Garland. A Heroi-Comical... Read more →

Pamphlets for the Years, 1781-1782
The pamphlets of 1781 contain a significant number of sermons that were designed for and delivered to an English congregation. 1782 saw a change in tenor as the course that the war was taking became more apparent and American independence, at least to a significant degree, became inevitable. The Earl of Shelburn is the subject of a number of pamphlets in his defence during 1782, as his views on North... Read more →

Pamphlets for the Years, 1783-1784
These items fit into two core categories, the former is pamphlets that relate to Northern American Independence including treaties that consolidate that independence; the latter category is reflections upon the gain of Independence for America and its consequences. Historically significant items include John Adams? ?History of The Dispute With America; From Its Origin In 1754?, ?A Full and Faithful Report of The Debates In Both Houses of Parliament on the... Read more →