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The Bengal Times, 1897


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    Title World News in Indian Newspapers, 1782-1908
    Rights Images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.

    World News in Indian Newspapers brings together numerous editions of three Anglophone newspapers that were published in India during the period 1782–1908: The India Gazette (1782–1834); The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle (1822–1866); and The Bengal Times (1876–1908).

    These newspapers appealed to colonial administrators, businessmen, and merchants, all of whom had a keen interest, naturally, in regional and international trade. Editors and reporters therefore sought to provide readers with an overview of notable political, military, economic, scientific, and social trends, as well as their potential impact upon commodities, stocks, and other investments.

    Subjects covered range from the American Revolution and the Crimean War, to British parliamentary debates on the India Act of 1858. Much coverage was devoted to the industrial and pharmaceutical developments of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Suffice to say that Britain, France, India, Ireland, the United States, and China received the most editorial attention, although items regarding other nations also feature.

    ISBN 9781851173488
    Contributor India Office Library
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Creator The India Gazette; The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle; The Bengal Times
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1782-1908
    Created On 8th January, 2020 - 3:21pm
    Last Updated 11th December, 2024 - 11:49am
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title Colonial expansion and rebellion 1857-1908 (The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle and The Bengal Times)
    Rights Images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.

    This volume contains reports on several colonial upheavals, from the Second Opium War and New Zealand Wars to the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and the Bering Sea Arbitration. Later articles include discussion and debate on the merits of Indian partition, the freedom of the press, and the so-called “New Woman”. The Boer War is also covered, with much of the analysis adopting a jingoistic tone. 

    Newspapers: The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle (1857–1866); The Bengal Times (1876–1908)

    ISBN 73488C
    Contributor India Office Library
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Creator The India Gazette; The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle; The Bengal Times
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1782-1908
    Created On 8th January, 2020 - 5:19pm
    Last Updated 9th January, 2020 - 9:36am
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title The Bengal Times, 1897
    Rights Images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.
    Archive Reference
    ISBN 73488C-32
    Contributor India Office Library
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Creator The India Gazette; The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle; The Bengal Times
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1897-1897
    Created On 8th January, 2020 - 9:24pm
    Last Updated 1st October, 2020 - 10:11am
  • Metadata Key Metadata Values
    Title Img 1:
    Rights Images © Microform Academic Publishers, 2020. All rights reserved.
    Archive Reference
    text use PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY DACCA, SA'TURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1897. ORIENTAL GOVERNMIENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE EIICOMPANY 11 O D SIND Fon P'ART1(ULAnS H DOWNWARD. NEW SCHEME POLICY. ARRIVAL DPAITUIE H. H. M. THE BEST & CMEAPEST ASSURANCE M OBTAINABLE IN IADIA wITH ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Funds Invested in Government Securities ONE CRORE AND TWELVEI LAKHS. BENGAL AGENTS, 3, Chowringhee, UPWARD. THE EUREKA ARIyAL DEPARTURE n MI H. M AIterthe 16 30 rivnlo B Railwny Train 18 50 19 conneetio 19 20 0 with Dacc XI 20 30 Mail Train. ARRIVAL DEP. After the unival of Rs. 18. 20. M. H M truin from Dacca 10 at 9 44. 45 30 35 30 In couneetion with B. 35 16 Ry. 40 17 ing service leaving 14-0. G. F. KELLNER & CO., 15 17 50 5, Baukshall Street, Calcutta. 11 19 The Purity of all Supplies Guaranteed. 30 Arriving Regularly Every Month. CLARET'S. M6oe, pure and light Borlenux growth St. -Light, round breakfast 10 30 ing full flnvor of the Grape, dinner 0 dinner Chateau Mnuvesin ligh Claret of much Hut bouquet; makes excellent dinner [17 0 14 40] wine, du Tertre Margaux.--A full- 10 19 bodied thoroughly 15 practically higher rates, por Chateau Leroc mellow Ohateau La Couronne wine, per doz Ohateau Lnfite, 1889, truly age Chatenu Brown ly choice, light after-dinuer and character, Maile Chatenu Looville magnificeut Claret, generous Port, KILBURIV & CO., Ohateau Lufite, 1874 possessing great mellowness Managing Agents, I N. Co. La." ness of flavor, doz. Nett Au Olarete in pint8 at extrit eacept Chateat Lafite 1874. LIDRARY. No: 2676 Rs. 18. 20. 20, 22. As. VO XXVIII ON00A GENEBAL & ROVERS STEAM NAVIGATION COS., "LD.' Approximate Time Tables for the Dry Season 1895. GOALUNDO-UHANDPOR DAILY SERMICE. MADRAS TIME IS KEPT AT ALL STATIONS. UPW \RI ARRIVAL. NARAINGUNGE-CHANDPORE DAILY SERVICE. DOWNWARD. DErARTURE H 10 11 In connection with A B Rnilway Tinin lenving 15-0 and Burrisaul Service Stenmer lenving 14-0. Kartickpore- -Doneoli-Madaripono-burisaul-olandporo-Naningug Daily Services. This Time Table oomes into force on the 10th Janunry, 1896. Burrisaul-Chandpore Naraingunge Section. STATIONS. 16 20 Kartickpore-Domesha-Madaripore--Mouladi Section 30 15 Passengers for Madaripore, Goalunde, and Intermediate Sintions change here. Passengers from Goalundo. Madaripore and Intermedinte Stntions change here for Burrisaul. Stoamer leaves after the arrival the from Burrisnul Passengers for Goalundo and Intermediate Stations change here Steamer leaves after arrival of the Chandpore Steamer from Goalundo. 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We lave nlwnys in Stock large variety of these Watoles. They are fittud ud with good sound. lever movement in Nickel Onse, and will be found very servicoable timekeepere Crystnl Free Keyless Lever in Niokel Cnse, Hunting Keyless Lever in Nickel Case, Illustrated Catalogues of Silver and Grold Watches, CHiys AND JEWELRY ETC. Sent on application COOKE and KELVEY, Calcutta. No. Do (Loubet) wife Beaune Do Pommard Du (Oarte d'Or Special STATIONE. Sonsnkhal Gunganara) Domeslan Juuotion ARIVAL BURRISAUL MOULADI Hnturin Sreernmpore Bijnissir DAMOODA Nursingpore CHANDPORE Shutnol Komolnghat Naraingunge 8 MOULADI Pnlordi Khnjortolln MADANIPORE Tegra Hnut Rnjgunge Palang DOMESHA Nuria 7 KARTICKPORE OALOUTTA : Th 6th Jansary. 1896. H H. 10 10 11 M NARAINGUNJ 45 Komolaghat Shatnol CHANDPORE Nursingpor DAMOODA Binisour Sreerampore Hafurin Moulndi BURISAUr M. 10 GOAT.UNDO Fnriatpare Jolnldi Moninl Kndirpore Tarparan Hneerkand Joban Nuria Kartickpore Cbandoore ARIvAL. STATION8. Naraingunge Komolnghat Shatnol Chendpore UP. 1. 4 Stenmers CHANDPORE Kurticlpore Nurin Jobsn Haserkan Turpnssi Moninh Jelaldi Faridpore Arcln Goalnndo STATIONS. Chandpore Shatnol Komolaglnt Naraingunge STATIONS. 8. T..lisn 5. 6 and R. KNIGHT & SONE CALCUTTA BURGUNDIES. WHITE. fine, wine, great bouquet and RED full high really of good AU the above in pints at Ra. 3 per two dozen case e.ctra. 10 per cent. discount for cash on sums of Re, 0L Perthsbire Distillers Oo.'s Whisky, Rs. 32 per dos. Sole Agents HERBERT PARROTT&O Calcutta. M. 45 30 H. 13 HI 0 H 10 17 18 19 20 30 50 30 19 20 with and upwards, except on articles marked Nott." 9 very Nett truly 187Lafito' doz.
    ISBN 73488C-32
    Contributor India Office Library
    Type jpg
    Format jpg
    Creator The India Gazette; The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle; The Bengal Times
    Language eng
    Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
    Coverage 1897-1897
    Created On 8th January, 2020 - 9:24pm
    Last Updated 1st October, 2020 - 10:11am

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