Element Value
Id 27
Title Papers of Thomas Perronet Thompson relating to Sierra Leone
Contributor Bodleian Library
Coverage 1804-1838
Identifier 72047-DTH1
Creator -
Description The son of a wealthy Hull banker, Thompson served in the army and navy. Partly as a result of his connection with William Wilberforce, the influential anti-slavery campaigner, he was appointed governor of the colony in Sierra Leone in 1808, the year after the abolition of the slave trade across the British empire. Thompson's zeal in enforcing the new law appears to have contributed to the termination of this appointment.
Format pdf
Language eng
Publisher Microform Academic Publishers
Relation -
Rights Images © 2009 published by Microform Academic Publishers with permission of Sir Tatton Sykes & Hull University Archives. All rights reserved.
Source -
Type jpg
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